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Damon W

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Posts posted by Damon W

  1. get booster with a wide enough body to cover youre pistons, then it will be far harder to hit the crossover, unless youre made of rubber (Y)

    also buy a new crossover and put loads of elecy tape on it were the barb is ( thats what ive done), then if youre still not satisfied a rubber cap.


    put some heatshrink tubing on it (Y)


    some old piping :P

  2. well ive found the metal cutting disks shear little bits off the rim, so as a result youle have an uneven grind (Y) but that might just be the disk i was using :P"

    and the stone cutting disks are far better imo but you have to press considerably harder to acheive a deep grind (Y)

    B & Q is were i got a pack of 5 metal cutting and 5 stone grinding all for £8 :D

  3. after rounding my crank bolt off (driveside) whilst tightening it up :shifty:

    im gonna have to get it off!!

    ive tried drilling it to no avail, it just massacred all my drill bits and didnt get hardly anywere!!

    i tried it from the side were the bolt is and i tried drilling out the threads of the bolt by drilling through the bb from the otherside!!

    is there any other way of getting it out as i need it out asap!

    help appreciated :D

  4. yer Ben pull youre finger out!!

    stop getting stressed about not being able to do stuff knowone else does :P" lol

    nah ive found if im struggling to sidehop a wall ive already done before it REALLY pisses me off but, the more i get pissed off the more i put myself in to a bad state of mind and it ruins my ride for the rest of the day, just try and be more chilled :D


    vent youre aggression into power!!! grrrr :shifty:

    and get a big bike again tiz more fun!!! and youre taps were awesome!! B) :P

  5. Just ‘warm up’ as normal THEN stretch as stretching before you ride is pointless as muscles should be warm when stretching.

    Just do all the normal stretches like touching you’re toes with straight legs and trying to touch the lower part of you’re shoulder blades with you’re arms.

    These make a huge difference physically AND phycalogically because it puts you into a good frame of mind knowing you’re willing to try and give you’re riding a boost by any means possible. ;)

    Stretch and reap the rewards (Y) :)

  6. i like few words there a bit random though:

    calling people 'moshers' lol :o , is ace as all the neds call us it.

    also saying 'great news' is another instead of like 'cool' or 'good'

    and general sarcasm is always good :lol:"

  7. tiz all a matter of opinion.

    but generally riser bars tilted forwards are far comfyer :turned: but, if you have flats they should be fully vertical. imo

    youre bike could be to long for you, in which case get a slighly shorter stem, or the front end could be to low for you(if its too low youle struggle to get the bike up to backwheel), if this is the case slap some spacers underneath youre stem! or get a higher rise stem such as pazzaz. :D :D

  8. ide go make a trials riders mecha, probs have some sick riding like:

    a wall ranging from 6" to 12ft in 1" increments and each increment would be 2 bike lengths long and 2 bike lengths wide. :turned: :( :D" (Y)

    and a trials shop open 24/7 next to it like Tartybikes with a really flirty/dirty receptionist :D (Y)"

    and a real "lifes ace" atmosphere by that i mean happy and comedy :-

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