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Onza Kieron

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Posts posted by Onza Kieron

  1. Right, snapped the springy bit of my ultimate so I need a spring kit, I found it on the dealers site and I wanna know somewhere I can get one. I have called at Halfords and a mate there is calling Avid up tomorrow but failing that, I will be needing one elsewhere.

    This is IT


    Its on page 7, part number 2, 11.5311.708.000

    I'm off to france on friday and would love to have my Ultimate back on for then so please, if anyone knows..

  2. I agree with what has been said except the Marzocchi manual is bollocks, I have trialled it with many dh'ers with junior t's to super monsters and its crap, just do what feels right and provided they have correct oil level its all good and won't kill em

  3. I strongly suggest you don't buy a car seing as then it's yours after the demo, best bet is go to the scrappy and ask how much you can borrow 2 or 3 cars for if he can drop em off and pick em up, then tell the shop owner how much, same with a skip but when you ask for it ask if they can tip it, then nick some pallets with someone with a pickup, reel from BT, some wood to mail around to make thin, high walkways....Be inventive by all means but its likely the crowd will be impressed with you hopping on the back wheel, so don't build a castle.

  4. I could possibly make you some for like £10 or something but Edd Potts would probs do it cheaper and with a faster turn around... It's similar to a Quill system that I have in mind thats used in 1 inch headtubes.

  5. I'd go for Snowy's, they have served me excellent in every weather and as well as me using my brake as a brake as well as an anchor, they have shown very little wear.

    Matt: I'd put a harsh grind for blues in crap conditions, mine were okish in the dry with a medium grind but still didn't match the Snowy's.

  6. I think that's a good choice although haven't heard much about them freewheels compared to the Tensile so maybe consider a Tensile for reliability, also yeah, I'd definitely go for Deng cranks, even if your paying a bit more and buying from Tart, just I see Koxx as being overpriced Competition gear, your choice at the end of the day, also I take it that it's for a mod due to lack of Bash.

  7. Just been thinking and I'm sure if he was conning people he'd charge a little bit more seeing as the price is very cheap, the frames are £80 to buy there so £130 is still £50 profit a frame, not bad at all considering we're saving £100+

    Also other than just trying to pay via Paypal how can I make this secure so I don't get raped/if I do get raped then there is something I an do about it?

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