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Posts posted by T-BAD

  1. i got this atlas jigsaw thing, last crimbo from my gran... i looked and thort, wtf i'm 15, not 5... and said cheers gran, always wanted one of these :]

    the funniest present i had was a height chart that only went up to 3ft :P

    3ft? might have been for something else then :shifty:

  2. i was in your shop waynio, checkin the bikes as i usualy would. To be honest, i'm not right happy with the way the bikes look this year, the tpro actually looks like a polished turd... the spec is poor, COMPARED to last years... but i recon they'll still sell, most people rate onza as a good company, excellent bikes for the prices, but there a tad ott with them this year. they'll soon find out though when they dont sell as many, but! just recently, loaads of youngens have started trials around us. check all the new members out posting in the shipley glen ride in the new members chat! now thats what i like to see. so i dont think onza will have much of a problem if trials keeps progressing like it is now :D

  3. there seems to be a rapid growth of kids in west/south yorkshire riding now. HIIIGH 5!

    oh i saw some lad riding near my work today. at crosshills buisness park, think he was called luke, not sure. but if your out an about tomoz at like 1ish, i'll come out on my bike on my dinner break and ride if i can be arsed to take my trials bike :P

  4. Think a few lads are going to leeds tomoro bolty, think they are going quite early though.

    Liam you say you'll turn up but you never do.

    To Max's first post yer i will be most definatly be going up, probably be towed up buy Ginger Dan.


    i'll show you for nooo pennies, just rupees. i'll bring bradford lot up init to dry bum you and that...

    lol, if i ant been on the p*** i'll be there otherwise i wont be. simple as.... B)

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