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Mitch A

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Posts posted by Mitch A

  1. When i had a t-bird i upgraded the freewheel to a acs 16t freewheel :) This helps backwheeling and gapping since the harder gearing B)

    I also got a pair of creepy crawlers. They are so better than the sticky fingers that come with the t-bird :rolleyes:


    Mitch <_<

  2. :-

    Least they caught him

    Did you get your stuff back in the end?

    How much compensation did you get?

    Chavs are so gay i bet the conversation with another chav starts off like:

    "Lets go knick some stuff bruv"... "safe"

    What a load of crap :)

  3. I used to run hognesiums and they were really good... however, some of the pins did fall out and if you shin yourself it really gives your shins a hammering :-

    VPs would be a better choice i think :) cheap and decent :- cant beat it at £15 :P

  4. As long as you've got a bashring, you should be fine. Oh, and as long as your rear Magura hose isn't really short as it is.

    i dont understand why would it be too short?

    The Gu and the Zona are both great bikes :D If you like long mod the zona is the right choice but if you like shorter mods the GU is the way to go.

    Ive only seen one built up GU ( not including the ones from gubike.com) and it looks really nice but ive seen a few zonas and they look lush :P

  5. i like i really do part from the graphics part from that i think zoo's are pimp

    From tartybikes the CLS graphics are optional because you can have the normal ZOO! graphics instead :D

    The python is sweet. Along as there is a bashring doesn't matter whether it has a bashplate :P

    Keep in mind that the wheelbase is 1045 if you don't like long mods its not a good choice.

    Hope ive helped

    Mitch :'(

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