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Posts posted by montybiketrial

  1. just tap to m6 and if that fails get it helicoiled. cos if the helicoil comes out your in the poop.


    Helicoils dont come out.... they cant! And if they do, you just take it to an engineering company who can get it out, and put a new coil in.

    No because if the M6 threads die then your going to have to helicoil it back to m6....

    Which is shit.

    Just get it helicoiled back to m5.

    Get em all done, save you the hastle!!

  2. Profile are the shizzzzz maaaaaaaan.

    £135 IS A BARGAIN for what you get with a profile. A reliable hub that will last for years, never let you down and great after sales service... with lifetime warrenty.. I think...

    Where as.... £70? £80? Whatever, is a rip off for what you get in a White Indust-wank thing.

    Profile (Y)

  3. The kit to do it is £25-£30... thats what I paid anyway.

    I seriosuly wouldn't bother taping it to a bigger size because you will have to mess around drilling out your brake clamps and boosters ect ect..

    Take it to a local engineering firm, it won't be stupidly expensive.... plus a good helicoil can be anywhere up to 5-6x stronger than a taped alluminium thread!

    If you can afford it, i'd get all 4 done, just to save the hastle of keep going back.... and you might get a discount if you ask nicely (Y)

    This should help to find a local engingeering company... www.yell.com

    Just have a ring around and see who will do it and get a quote before you go!

    Good luck!

  4. I have moved from 175mm to 158mm then back to 175mm.

    At first, yes, it feels different, but it doesn't take long to get used to it.

    Personally, I prefer the longer 175mm cranks.

    Ive had the X-lite cranks... they're good... but I snapped 2 arms. The first because Im a fat b*****d and the second because I filed a notch out the back of one to clear my frame with a short bottom bracket.

    They seem fine for the majority of people.

    Good luck!

  5. Dan-le-wadding naaaaa mate.

    EDIT- Haha, funny crash.

    Good vid, liked it.

    Especially loved Danny... "yalrite joe... yalrite joe..... yalrite joe.... yalrite joe"


  6. Put the sprocket in the vice, nice n tight with 2 teeth making contact with the vice on each side.

    Get a peice of bar... box section is best, slide it down the full lenght of your crank and gently (and i mean gently or ull end up the other side of the garage bleeding and swearing!) push the bar anti clockwise (crank should be facing upwards) keep applying more and more force until it unscrews.

    Never failed on me and never screwed up a sprocket or freewheel.

  7. I always thought they were a waste to sell them with the mounts. My friend has loads of them, as he didnt use them. There arnt that many non alu frames clicking about, and there're not many people who have actualy welded them on, i think.

    That makes absolutely no sence to me mate.

    Unless you have a steel frame, then these won't work for you....

    What frame do you have?

  8. bullshit!!!!!

    sorry mate but thats shite.

    any bike can be manualled FACT!

    i managed to manual a coust on the end of the roadtrip 04 video.

    i can manual my BMX for miles and also my ashton. ive manualled handsomedogs, echo pures, Ashton ET's everything. its easy once you have found the balance point.

    Totally agree... Once you can do it on one bike, it doesn't take long to do it on any other bike.

  9. Pull the driver off, use a clean rag and some degreaser to clean everything out then use some light lube on the rachets and a few blobs on the pawls and springs...

    I do this every 2-3 months to keep check everythings ok.

    Hope this helps.

  10. 2 Monty x-lite frames

    Monty x-lite forks

    7-8 maggie levers, Ive lost count

    Monty riser stem

    2 bottom brackets

    Several onza vp pedals (crap casting!)

    Monty x lite guard

    2 monty x lite crank arms

    Koxx 47mm rim, cracked

    Ripped a few pads apart.

    Not too bad!

  11. I know I am going to ger bummed for doing this but..

    Could someone kindly give me the link to Bongo's backflip on his Monty, because for some facking reason I cant find it anywhere and reeeeally want to see it.

    If someone would do so, I will reply with a thankyou, then this can be deleted.

    Sorry, and Thankyou!

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