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Posts posted by sunn_bmixx

  1. I had a thought about this and the asked my friend who is a police officer and he said, you are classed as a child and can ride responcible on the pavements under the age of 12, but the polive can still ask you to get off if riding dangerously. There is no law saying that riding on the road without a seat is illegal or anything like that, but it is legal to ride a 20" bike on the pavement as it is classed as a childs bike, which means they still have the althority to ask you to get off and give you one of those stupid note things which in writing says dont do it again!! so thats what he said and thats what it said in the book, which is really pants :( but remember trespasing in not an arestable offence you can only be asked to move on!! so ride in really orcward places and in peoples gardens!!! lol



    And i have never been hit by a car although i have riden into one which pulled out on me and rode off because my bars scratched a mean line down the side, his fault though!!

  2. Hey Ian

    Cool vid mate (Y) . Some of those gaps look pretty good. Really liked the music as well. Also are you going to the next EBTC comp?


    im not sure yet buddy cause i am having a party the night before but i will be going to the on in july. How about you?

    Heyy, not a bad vid, for 18 months I would like to see bigger stuff being nailed.

    Looking at the vid i picked up on quite an important mistake, half way through the vid i think you take around 4 attempts at doing a gap, the thing i notice is your not taking off close enough to the edge, if you took off where my arrow is not only will you go further but you will also have less risk of snapping your chain.

    So yerr take a look... shouldnt be that hard to resolve.

    Just get right to the edge, you will go loadsss further :)


    Thanks for this mate, i will give it a go. I have been trying quite a few bits of what you are all saying, but i ride alot of comps and most of my riding i want to be able to apply to comp situations there for i like to try and make moves smooth and keep to two wheels. This also means i havent yet thought about 'street moves' such as manules and 180 hops/pivots.

    thanks though, And i take back calling you a b*****d!!!

  3. when riding street ride at a higher pressure as you can afford to as you very rairly lack in grip when landing or taking off. But when riding natural e.g. a comp, then you can lower the pressure to gain grip. Remember not to go too low though as you will get tire fold! which can be nasty!

    Hope that helps

    Ian Bloomfield

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