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  1. Tim from expressivebikes.com has just released a little street vid of some of the local riders in Brisbane Australia. I thought it came out quite nicely. http://www.expressivebikes.com/media/media.html Enjoy
  2. When I said I dont notice it has a seat I meant for stuff like upping and sidehops, as for bar spins the seat works out great. I chose to go vertical dropouts beacuse I've allways run vertical with a singlespeed set up. I know it works well for me and so I figured why fix what isn't broke.
  3. The "high" toptube dosnt cause any dramas for me, I personally quite like it as I can sit down and not knee myself in the face when pedaling. Performance wise I dont even notice it has a seat.
  4. hehehehe well if you had been 4 months earlier you might have been able to sell me one! Although having said that I think if I was given the choice now I'd still go for me steel custom! Best bike I've ever ridden.... and its mine!
  5. Been a really long time in the making but it was well worth it. Frame built by Colin at "Cyclcecraft" here in Brisbane, made from reynolds (sp?).... same stuff as the ryan leech frame. Geo is 380, 43 degree, 20mm rise, 1040-1050ish wb. A huge thank you to Tim at expressivebikes.com for helping me build it and get all the parts. Rides like an absolute dream, couldnt be happier. hopefully these pics work.
  6. Xavier

    Leeson Bb

    yes maybe I should just ring him! I just didnt want to unless I knew there wasnt a simple ansewer, as it costs a bit for me to call him. I do prefer the Leeson to curtis so I would of liked to try and work something out, I'm on a buget too and an extra 150 quid for the curtis is alot. cheers
  7. Xavier

    Leeson Bb

    Thats pretty much what I will have to do I think, unless I can work something out with Clive.
  8. Xavier

    Leeson Bb

    Thanks for replys fellas, explains alot. Understand the drop outs now! Do you reakon he would consider doing me a regular bb, it sounds like a pain to try and change it on your own, postage would be a lot there and back (Y) was gonna cost a heaps to get it over here then I discovered my bros coming out and can bring it on the plane (Y)
  9. Xavier

    Leeson Bb

    Gday, I'm a little confused about the Leeson BB and dropouts. I'm ordering a 24" frame from them and have six weeks waiting untill I finalise what I want, when I first spoke to Clive he said that I have to use a bb that he supplies because he fits it in a different way than normal. If anyone knows how it works exactly that would be great, its just I'm in Australia and if I have to replace it down the track I'm worried it'll be a hassle. Also are the dropouts only compatible with certain hubs/skewers/bolts? I would go straight to the source but the email at Leeson isnt the fastest and it costs me an arm and a leg every time I want to ring him. Any help would be great, cheers
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