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Posts posted by Willy

  1. Hey boys and girls,

    Looking to get a quick graphic of a cartoon blue bird thrown together real quick, a simple colour change between the angry bird graphic would be sweet if anyone is cool to do it!

    Something this colour:


    But on a graphic like this, the red one (happier, a bit fatter and with a few more feathers if possible ha):


    Massive thanks if anyone can

  2. Good morning boys and girls!

    I know your the guys to come to for this sort of thing so I'll slap you straight away with it, I'm trying to get my hands on some new music, I've sat and listened to so much dub step and still cant get into it all that much so I'm just going to stick with what I know! Where and who should I be looking at to get my hands on some Liquid D&B, random youtube searches arnt turning up much apart from some pretty cool mixes:

    I want to get some names/albums/mixes to download and throw on my ipod though!

    Any and all help is awesome,


  3. Heavy to be rank on the girl the day after she's tried to top herself dude. Trying to help or not bro going so full on straight away is not going to help anyone!

    If you ever get the chance Han seriously consider going on a Camp America trip or go volunteering in another country (I can help with Canada, Oz, India, Mexico and Bolivia!), getting yourself out of the situation can sometimes be helped by removing yourself from the environment that you fell into your current mental state. Travelling brought me back to life in ways I cant even begin to explain and I have some very good friends I met abroad that left home for the same reasons and had similar outcomes.

    I'd be more than happy to talk about it if you ever want to, just as a warning I'm not very great with words so can be quite useless in the making people feel better department.

    Best of luck with clearing your mind.


  4. Suppppp,

    So I'm In Australia and have been for 2 months, been free diving quite abit in Byron and down to Coffs and am getting really sick of not having a camera to take with me. My compact is a Canon IXUS 960 IS and is pretty much spot on for every day photos of partying and the odd profile picture of awesomenes, my problem as I'm sure you aware is this thing isnt in anyway shape or form waterproof, so does anyone in there all knowing godly knowledge know anything about underwater compacts? If so can you recommend one, point me in the right direction to read about them properly, or just straight up tell me where to get a decent waterproof case that wont f**k image quality. I know that cases excist but the ones I've used are cheap and shitty and make the photos look like I've pissed on the camera.

    Chose not to take the DLSR as in Canada I never really used it due to it being to big, sure its awesome to have but who the f**k can be arsed to lug that thing around when all you want to do is ski, or in my case surf...


  5. How is it so many people power levelled so fast? Like I get Athene doing it in 5 hours, hes always been into trolling people about how quick he is, but theres like over 50 people that did it in under 14 hours?! Thats ALOT of teams to boost 50 people surely? Or did I miss something and theres a glitch that means you dont need a raid to kill your mobs once youve tagged them?

  6. We did 65 hours, 10 hour break and raided the next day to get server firsts at the release of WOTLK, hardly hard but, just need to be sad enough to do it.

    Edit: All in all about 3 1/2 days to complete Naxx from release.

  7. Just because I don't want to fall into the "haters" group, I am actually blown away by all of the riding, that tap, manual, hook left me speechless along with the last couple of clips, just wanted to say that I thought they could of toned down the panning abit at the start of the video. Apologies.

  8. Get new boots, get an old board and bindings (if you live so close they will be everywhere, newspapers, billboards, shops etc), go out and get a taster lesson if you want to (usually better) or just go with someone that already has a good knowledge of the basics. Keep going and going and going, the first couple of times are going to hurt, you will fall over alot and theres naff all you can do about it, I promise you the first time you link up both turns will feel out of this world and you will constantly be in pursuit of that first time of it all coming together. Hit pretty much anything you want to on a snowboard, but don't be stupid and respect that although you can go "everywhere" on piste, you will be doing the harder stuff alot slower than the guys that have been doing it for years, don't make them wait every time (pick an easier route). Talk to the locals, go with friends and ask around for help/advice etc, I've got free lessons and equipment for just talking to people so make sure you do, its by far the best resource for everything on the mountain...

    Cant think of anything else that a noob would need so go beg/borrow/steal your gear and get out there!

  9. If you look at comparative level BMXers or skaters for riders like Damon, the videos they produce look a load better and are produced a lot better. I'm not comparing the riding or skill involved, I just mean that in other sports - that happen to have a lot of outside sponsorship by companies like Monster, Rockstar, etc. - there's a lot more emphasis placed on image, and how people portray themselves and, as a direct result, their sponsors in videos. Every time I see a video by Damon or Tunni I always think about what could potentially happen if there was a bit more effort put into the filming and editing, and how much more of an impact it could have on people outside the trials world. I'm well aware that they "just make videos for fun" or whatever, but if people are entertaining ideas about corporate sponsorship like this then the media side of things has got to improve to either get it to happen, or to sustain it.

    This. I always wonder why someone hasn't actually tried to create a video of that sort of quality, like I'm keeping up alot with the snowboard and skiing scene, even the 16/17 year old park rats are using better quality footage and editing much better movies than most trials vids.

    Edit: Typo, and just wanted to clear up, I'm not actually trying to insult anyone here, just wondering if its the quality of kit being used or actual effort being put in.

  10. Yeah so 36 people actually met someone else in real life, 27 people had positive contact with someone, not necessarily meeting them in real life and 48 had a negative experience, again they may not of actually met someone could of just been organising a couch to sleep on via a phone and then the person changes their mind.

    Aye but hardly a fair stat to show as a true guide for people actually meeting. Pretty f**king simple really, dont meet people that look/sound/hint at being freaks and your sweet! Same with AirBnb

  11. the last day: 4 real-life introductions (3 positive, 5 negative)

    1 new couches (45.0% of 2 signups)

    the last week: 36 real-life introductions (27 positive, 48 negative)

    8 new couches (44.7% of 18 signups)

    So you're more than likely going to have a negative experience, like being robbed or yeah raped etc.

    Can you do the maths and tell me how that works? 36 real life intros, 27 positive and 48 negative, erm what?

    Airbnb is awesome aswell

  12. I used it alot whilst travelling Canada, didnt need all that much to be honest its just an awesome way to meet people. Still in contact with a good number of the guys I stayed with and Im putting one of them up pretty soon.

    Cant recommend this site enough, just be prepared to meet some "different" people and make sure your completely flexible and not fussy about much. A couch can mean anything from a corner in a room to your own room with breakfast served, be grateful for all of it.

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