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Posts posted by Vasil

  1. Thnks you m8

    Yeah I know. When I bought I wanted some color in it not just black and silver. I think will go black or maybe white. I think I paint the frame white too and as I mentioned some graphics on it.

    Anyway will see.

  2. Hi everybody!

    Since I'm pretty much involved into my graphic design studies I started to ride less to gain time for design stuffs. But I'm sure I will never quit trials. Maybe can't jump so high as other m8s, but anyway it's just for fun...

    Here is my bike in it's current state:D

    I'm a bit bored with silver so in spring he gets a paint job with some some nice artwork on it.





    Cheers everybody

  3. I have never seen this before and it f**kin impresed me soo much!!!

    Absolutly my favorite for 2008 seriosly!

    Amazing rider wish i coud do all of them streety stuff they are so gorgeus!

    Where can i download it?

    have no idea...sorry :( I just found the vimeo link.

  4. Nice video m8. You make me wana go to 24" ....hopefully i will do somewhen in the future.

    Anyway I'm not from UK but this song's lyrics isn't the same with Arctic Monkeys - Flourescent Adolescent ? ...or this is a Kate Nash cover or something like that?

    (sorry for bad english...i'm really sleepy :P )


  5. Hi ,

    Any ideas on what codec is needed?

    Wont play with the latest divX.


    Just use mplayer ;) That fixes any problem

    I dont know if i can post here link to download it. Search for it with google.I'm sure that will play it ;)


  6. The riding wasn't all that mind-blowing but I liked the style of it, good feel.

    Yeah I do not ride so much due to university and trying to build my graphic design career...I do trials just for fun and cus I loooooooooooooooooooooooove it :D :X

  7. Hi everybody.I made today a new video.Don't expect any big move.Just chillin.I concentrate more to my graphic designer career and I do not ride so much....anyway I hope you like it.

    Comments are welcome.



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