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Everything posted by sapu

  1. sapu


    alright my try-all stem just cracked(f**ing quality)..so i dont know what to go for..i like the try-all geo but dont think ill buy another one.. what do you think about a 120x20 degree with a amall rize bars on a zhi z1..please help imn confused
  2. http://observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=33275 stolen from otn ...what do you think?
  3. be careful with those hs 33
  4. sapu

    Czar Video

    this is my mate's new vid on the czar frame...mostly street an a bit of "forest trials" ) youtube link download link: http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/merida file is czar full and there is another file the playground if u whant to download hope you enjoy
  5. sapu

    Noni's Atomz Video

    Hello My name is Noni Here is a short video of me and my atomz bike.Street and outdoor ride! I hope that you like it. Please let me know your opinion and any suggestions are welcome! Here are the links: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/nonimet?...r=Last+modified Noni_Atomz_by_rOly.avi and dailymotion link: http://www.dailymotion.com/nonimet/video/x...omzbyroly_sport Bye Noni Thanks
  6. sapu


  7. sapu

    Comp Footage

    here is some footage shot at a comp...it was soposed to be a much bigger event but the rain srew it and the contest took place the second day when half of the rider went home http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/SaintTrials cisnadie 2007
  8. sapu

    Koxx Quality

    its the fike of a rider from hungari( a good one)..he did a hook and the frame snaped http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/p1sti3 misckolc mc here is a vid from hungary ..the guy withe the fluo shirt is thye rider ......he dosent snap the frame in this vid sorry for posting vid in the chat thread
  9. sapu

    Koxx Quality

    so just loook.......
  10. just use a pomp or a compresor.....cover a hole and put some compresed air into the other
  11. a friend send me a pic from today's ride ....have a look
  12. sapu

    My Gf's Bike

    here is another pic of the bike and it's owner
  13. sapu

    My Gf's Bike

    she just started trials about a mounth ago. she knows pedal kick...endo on 4 palets and some litle drops
  14. sapu

    My Zhi

    the quality of the pic is crap ...made them with a phone here is a before picture
  15. it is a magellan tucana geo:wb: 1065 bb : +1,5 cs 380
  16. sapu

    My Zhi

    got bored and sprayd my rims white
  17. sapu

    Bmx Fight

    just found it on youtube....hope it isnt a repost.......just look at the bmx flying in he's face http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6evQp9eVLI
  18. vincent's freewheel was driled thats why it snapped
  19. sapu

    My New Bike

    ive made the chages out of 2mm stainles steel (dinner) plate wich i stole from my mom
  20. sapu

    My New Bike

    this is my new bike...whanted something a bit shorter then 1090 and a bit of bb rise so i decided zhi
  21. get some vans sk8 hi ....amazing grip plenty of colors to chose from..ankle suport
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