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Posts posted by fathopper

  1. Nope sorry to say it aint that either :( i cant even remember the tune in my head lol now im totally screwed I know for a fact its been on top gear or some car programme a dozen times, its tottally instrumental with guitar and bass, any one know any sample site i can trawl throw the musics used when theres like a car duel or something

  2. Help help help, right got final cut pro 5.1 from college on my mac, but it keeps coming up with general error 41 whenever I try to load my college project up, also I've asked this question before but here goes, trying to link my windows to mac via ethernet what do I do on the mac side? as its picking up a connection on the windows side

  3. Advice would be dont panic, you stall u stall, means nothing, and keep them talking, about a neutral subject, a it keeps you relaxed, and b it makes you seem relaxed to the examiner when driving a car. I spent 40mins talking about the jowett, and got 4 minors at the end, just dont panic u'll be fine.

  4. Check spark plugs, ht leads, air filter, and distibutor cap and rotor, my 1989 caddy went like that couple weeks back on the way to college started coughing and splutering till it stalled, had to rev the hell out of it to get to college, since i changed and cleaned the above items its been fine....

    pm me if you need and diagrams and what not

  5. Im doing an interactive video installation for a college project and just wanted peoples thoughts and input on these questions.

    Give me one word/feeling you associate with STRESS?

    And give me one word/feeling associate with ESSAYS?

    Thank you for your co operation

  6. I was just about to say, I was £4 off, which isnt bad. But I got the date right, which is cool :)

    Find the IP address of your PC and then in Finder press Apple + K and enter the PC IP address. Sorted.

    I press apple k type in my ip and it keeps failing any ideas? the pc says its sent like 900 packets but only recieving 115ish

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