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Posts posted by bridgyisgay

  1. joe had no responsibility what so ever, i know what you are trying to say and we appreciate it, as i am one of those little "ahems" who should suposidly (sp) get banned. i think that random is a bit of a dick to be honest.

    and seriously random stop talking about your "mumy and dady", learn to spell, get an education then try and argue with us ok? :)

  2. 90% of new members do talk a load of sh*t! Why would he quit?

    your going to quit eventually, unless you plan to do trials at the age of 80 with your second replacement hip. everyone quits something for a reason. it may not be true about cls quitting but its not bullshit, its an innocent question! >_<

  3. I would just like to further back the point up that i was too at the party with joe. he did not do this at all, there were so many people on that computer that night all of them drunk. why would joe join a forum which interests him greatly just to post lot of good pointful posts then one night start posting rather suspect posts about "male bonding" and slagging off the moderators? joe isn't like that in the slightest. he enjoys riding more than me and as much as anyone else on this forum.

    just bear that in mind

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