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danny B

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Posts posted by danny B

  1. i go to the atomz factory now in a couple of weeks so i will defo be in discussion with caisso to be entering a team as this little guy deserves all the support in the world and masses of respect him as well. anything that i can do don't hesitate to give me a shout. (Y)

  2. Slinger is sat at my house at the moment in his cast, and i wasn't full of crimbo pud couldn't ride because i have had me foot in plasta and came out of it the week before the world cup so i wasn't to worried where i ended up but it would have been nice to do a bit better. but role on barcelona and then i will be able to get some decent training and physio on me foot because i was really struggling to do anything at the weekend so where i ended up was just what i could manage. :rolleyes:. however i am off to france soon to get me new frame sorted and then we will be on it. would also just like to say thanks to all the lads that were there it was a really good laugh and can't wait til barcelona should be a right good time. :D

  3. I think that some of the younger riders should be allowed to become full members for the simple reasons that some of the younger riders bring up more valid points than some of the full members that are on here now. Also it takes to long for some new members to become full members because of there spelling and use of the english language however i can't remember the last time i saw someone get graided for their use of puntuation and grammer and spelling on the forum, we ride bikes not write novels...... i think that is so petty and pathetic. as long as the post passes the point across without being stupidly childish or abreviated then people should be allowed to post in full members.

    People that start petty sarcastic arguments should be warned also, if they having got anything good to say they should keep it shut! Sorry to have a rant but sometimes it seems like i open topics where people want genuine info and they just get sarcy replies and that gets my back up as well.

    thats my 10p's worth anyway cheers peeps :)

  4. Stoke plaza is officailly a good little ride there aint masses of stuff but it is a really good ride and in the dry there is plenty of grip, in the wet it isn't to bad, i go there quite a bit only living half a mile down the road. i mite turn up if i am free and i know not all of this will be spelt right but i am at work and rushing. And after all we are trials riders not dictionaries/thesaurus'. i hate when people get at people for spelling and hope you guys won't mind me turning up as i enjoy the plaza and a bit of hanley street because in my opinion these are the best areas and hardest areas to ride in stoke!!!!! and as i am the longest running trials rider in stoke, with the most experience i think by now i mite know the areas that are good. thanks lads and will be great to meet up cheers. (Y)

  5. the first comp that i will be attending riding the new bike will be the coming world cup in belgium that is when i am finished eating mince pies lol, can't wait apart from that i will be out traing with a variety of people out and about so don't be shy and come along for the laugh. :)

  6. thanks for all of the good wishes boys, and look out for the new interveiws and articles that will be appearing in the next issues of MBUK and Trials magazine. (cheers to wayne and John Hulme). Also look out for the new atomz 08 bike that i get very soon so look out for that on Tartybikes and i am going to be trying to get some new vid footage of the new team that is forming. :D

  7. hey. should be a good series this year YMSA has been great for the past couple of years now and i am happy that me old man has decided to carry on with it just need people to get on it now and get there asses to the compos because they have the best level of the country for sure. This was shown at the worlds this year by the YMSA boys putting in good results and they are a really good laugh as well nice and laid back. so come on ladies lets have you lol... :D

    oh and pat i know a place where you can get good life insurance but i don't that they will have you lol :lol:

  8. the other lad in the video is a guy called romain he lives near them and has the mechanicing ability of a squirrel so that would be the main reasons to why his brake would be constanly rubbing lol, he is a good laugh though, and i found the vid to bore the crap out of ne a little that music wasn't exactly the most exciting neither.

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