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Posts posted by Matthew62

  1. I snapped the bearing case on my try-All BB but being replacable i didn't worry...but guess what they're not replacable! But bearings in ISIS BB's are a bit poo anyway, so what can you do - just gotta keep replacing them when they go!

  2. You could cut some ends off some old bars that are the same diameter (perhaps the bars you are replacing) about 1.5 inches each, then get some 19mm tubing (think thats the internal diameter of the monty bars/worth checking though) and use that to hold the extensions to the bars, that way you have a flush finish.

    Also if you have lock-on grips you can use them to hold the extensions to the bars.

    Whatever tubing you use, its quite good to use some that is painted first, meaning that its just a bit bigger than what the diameter suggests, that way you can really force the tubing in and the paint will kind of deform and help to hold it all together.

    Hope thats of some use.

  3. I extended mine because i am quite broad it felt a lot more comfortable with them at 29.5, it felt like my chest was really closed with them at standard width, but with them wider i felt a lot more free and it was a lot more comfortable on my shoulders, i didn't feel cramped or closed in, whereas i did before. Although from standard length to 29.5 inches is only quite a small extension it makes the differance, my friend asked me the same question the other day and i took the extensions out and showed him the position of my body compared to how it ws when the bars were extended and he could see how it helped - its just a feel thing, if you extend them you should extend them to what feels right and comfortable, it will make more sense when you have the bars, you'll soon know what width feels right.

    Extending them doesnt really compromise your spinning ability, i changed from narrower bars to extended montys and i can spin much more effortlessly now, its more down to the rise and sweep as opposed to the width.

    If you are quite small or nt that broad in the shoulders you may not need to extend the bars at all....see what worsk for you.

  4. Yeah the Montys are lovely, bunnyhoptastic and nice for your more conformist trials moves. I extended mine to 29.5 inches so still a fairly appropriate length, didn't want to overdo it, but it does make the world of differance.

  5. I haven't even put the tensioner on yet, i was just wrapping the chain round to see what length it needs to be shortened too, thats when i noticed it wasn't really wrapping around. I'm hoping it is a matter of bedding in, as it wraps perfectly around the 18tooth cog that comes with the cloud9 bashguard - but its soo tight with the surly its unbelievable.

  6. I'm replacing my drivetrain and i've just bought a KHE Collapse chain and Surly 15 tooth cog to go with my Heatsink Cloud 9 set up, its all brand new, no old parts.

    I've just set up the chainline perfectly straight and im trying to get the chain to the right length but it doesn't seem to want to wrap around the cog. I can get about three entire links to sit in the grooves of the cogs teeth, but every other link in contact with the cog doesn't line up, wherever the links in the chain join (the pins) seems to line up with the top of one of the cog's teeth meanig the chain wont sit in the cog.

    Having only three links in contact doesn't seem to great. I was wondering if i'm missing anything blindingly obvious or whether there is a problem of compatability between these two items, or has something just plain been manufactured wrong. I've heard of chain wrap issues with 14 tooth cogs, but not 15, is it due to the thickness of the KHE and would perhaps a KMC chain be better.

    Or does anyone else have this set-up and have either any problems, or finds it no poblem at all?

    Any feedback or info would be massively appreciated.



  7. I just ordered a BB from them and it came very quickly, and they had great communications, told me when it was dispatched and so on. Just bad luck on your behalf i guess. Think how many customers places like that must get, the odd order is bound to be forgotten. It is massively annoying but it is just a part of life nowadays no need to get too worked up over. If you are unhappy never deal with them again, but while you may think there shit, i think they are good - so there is no point to this thread, we're not going to talk about who's shit and who's good - just forget it.

  8. Did at one stage replace some parts from my Try-All with ones from the Truvativ. I'm pretty sure both BB's take the same bearings in terms of diameter. Not sure about the width though

    Edit: Truvativ Gigapipe DH/SL that is

    I ended up just ordering a Gigapipe DH, there £29.99 at some online shop - i don't have any spares and i don't really want to spend ages trying to find the right bearings which will probably cost around £20 anyway! But still it is annoying.

  9. Not the most well thought out or helpful brand out there though. I've just snapped the bearings in my Try-All BB and despite being described everywhere as having ''replacable sealed cartridge bearings'' apparently you are not able to get hold of these...... seems pointless to describe it that way if its impossible to get the replacement parts....

    They have a lot of good ideas, but there not nessecerily carried out particularly well. It does get tiresome that when anything 'Koxx' or 'Try-All' breaks that someone says...''well its designed for competition use'', like thats 100% justifiable.

    I dont know, Koxx are great in some areas, shit in others!

  10. I was just wondering where you guys usually buy your brake fluid from (not talking about maggies). The only place i have found that sells it is halfords, but its £10 for 500ml which i think seems a little steep.

    So where do you usually go for your Dot fluid? Cheers,


  11. Not to be rude, but that is the most dated website imaginable, it is really dull! I dont want to be insultin but its not inviting, it really puts me off. Im not just spouting on, i'm doing the final year of my product Design degree, and have worked for the past year as a Graphic Designer - so im looking at it from many angles.

    Colour connotation is a really important aspect lots of people overlook, the way we are sunbconciously affected by the colours we see is quite vast - and the blue with the sand like colour is just so old looking, and to me gives an impression of the types of watches you will be offering - regardless of the prices you get an initial impression as to the quality/price of the goods you will be offering, and to me i instantly think of cheap poor quality goods.

    Also boxing everything segregates the page too much - you dont know where to look first, there is nothing intially drawing your focus - i find myself just looking around aimlessly.

    Theres far too many colours going at once and too much text, apparently we only read around 5%-10% of what is written on a web page if its univinting, and i dont know what to read first so i end up reading none of it. As i said before nothing draws you in a particular direction.

    The fonts used in your ocmpany name are really tacky, they do look veyr cheap (again giving an impresion of the goods on offer).

    Again without being horrible, there is really nothing i like about that site, all in all i would say it is very poor, i would highly recommend getting a web designer in to knock you up a really cool, contemporary web page - people overlook the marketing/aesthetics of their business and it can make a huge differance if it is done well, and i think it could really benefit from an aesthetic make over. It wouldnt take them long but could make the world of differance!

  12. Brilliant. My friend starts work tomorrow for cadburys as (i dont know the offical term) a chocolate bar designer, so he will comes up with new ideas and stuff for cadburys chocolate..... alot of my friends have given him stick for it and this advert just makes me think of him and his rediculous job! So thanks for sharing.

  13. If you go to Uni it doesnt mean you're destined for a job bwhind a desk - thats stupid. Really this should have taught you not too be such a lass ass, i mean GCSE's arent the hardest thing you'll face in your life, and you said you're not thick you're just lazy......well then f**king snap out of it. What makes you think you can do Car mechanics? If you're lazy you'll fail that too! Surelly if you cant be bothered to do anything then you wont ever achieve anything.

    You are young, motivate yourself and get off your ass, re take your exams its only one year - get some A levels like you want then in 3 years time you may have a better idea of what you want to do - you can always change your mind, your life is far from over.

    Dont worry about your friends leaving you behind, youre at school to work and it seems like you could do without the distractions so just work hard - youve already done the year once so you know what to expect, and just hang out with your mates when youve got some free time.

    Stop being lazy!

  14. Why ask for advice here, you're going to get much better advice off your driving instructor...thats what you're paying him for. You'd have to be a complete moron to fail your theory/hazard perception...its absolute bullshit - a 10 year old could do it! Dont be such a girl, just take the exam and deal with it!

    If you're shit at reverse left, ask to practice them more... don't get overly concerned about aligning door handles with stuff, just learn how to do it properly, so if you f**k it up in your test, you know how to rectify it, no point just memorizing things, its got to feel right.

    Everyone who can now drive will give poor opinions as we will have all picked up bad habits, and driving tests are continually changing and updating.... listen to your instructor and stop being a girl!

  15. Have you read what I said? It is a re-branded T-Rex with a Hyroformed down tube BUT lighter.

    Why does it have to justify anything?

    I love Onza, always so dimplomatic and understanding of peoples views towards their designs. Jesus you're a defensive company! Why do you put pictures up here? Surely people are allowed to pass judgement, not everyone is going to like what you do, but luckily enough will otherwise you're company wouldnt exist. I understand you are proud of your work and would defend it, just saying what i think.

  16. Have you ever ''Cleaned'' a section before?

    So someone who rides a clean section is a 'cleaner' then. Onza 'Cleaned' would be half passable, but the word cleaner gives obvious connotations of old women in tabbards with clothes and sponges.

    Of course it is only a name, and it wont put people off buying a bike they like because its got a shit name, but it is something we are allowed an opinion on, and if Onza are going to re-hash the T-Rex by giving it a new name then they may aswell give it a good one if they are starting a fresh with it, and 'personally' i think the name Cleaner is awful...but as for the bike aswell, don't really like that either, seems a bi of a cop out to just change the downtube and rebrand it totally, im sure there are areas which could be improved or tweaked ,atleast the it would justfy a new design and name.

  17. Onza Cleaner....... cummon i hope you're not going to stick with that, its terrible. I'm guessing its a refernce to the more slimline shape with the hydroforming and so on, so its a 'cleaner' design, but as a bike name its shite!

  18. That has to be the first limey ever with no brakes, a 22T freewheel and dirt jump bars! Oh and the worlds smallest wheelbase.

    Its a good idea though, lets people see what they are going to get to see, before they see it!

    Well i hope the show isn't like that. Then again if you do see that kind of riding and that bike it would be impressive.

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