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steve bain

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    steve bain
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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TNTq3nhuh0
  2. it wasn't there when i got back. i am so gutted. just kidding. no problem. i am defo investing in a new lock! it was too easy. simply stuck a scissor jack from my missus truck in there and with next to no effort (it was more effort to jack the car up!) pop. job done. no-one even said anything or even looked. even scarier it took about a minute so someone could have easily been doing it to my lock and got away with it. i must have looked dodgey has hell!! cheers for the advice folks, all worked out good in the end. kryptonite here i come... steve
  3. will phone the old bill too but i'm sure they won't be helpful, they just won't arrest me. its chained up at uni but its quiet at night. was never expecting to leave it there. anyway, less chat more breaking....
  4. bloody hell!! time to buy a new d-lock for me bike. thats just scary how easy that is! will try scaffold and then chain on the trucks tow bar. my bolt croppers just aren't man enough for the job! oo, will take a jack too! cool, i'm not as worried now, best get off and do it now or there won't be a bike left! wonder if anyone asks me what i'm doing. i bet they don't! thats how crims get away with it i suppose! wish me luck and thanks loads for the fast replies. steve
  5. hey guys, i have real problem which i need to get sorted tonight. basically i d-locked my bike up. when i come back to it there is now a second d-lock on it. i'm pretty sure it is because the person who put the d-lock on has every intention of coming back tonight to nick it, or at least nick everything off of it! so what do i do? how can i cut off their d-lock? i was thinking of just stripping it right back so only the frame is left and then putting some more locks on it so hopefully it will last till the morning. i would angle grind it off but it is not at home so have no electric. any help is as ever much appreciated. steve
  6. i got enduro 4's which are similair. i say get the pro levels as there very nice. check out this site for compatibility stuff. in the tech section http://www.hopetech.com/
  7. still not turned up, i'm hoping for monday! if not, tuesday... wednesday??... if everyone is finding it a bit slow maybe they just got alot on. but it will be a week for something to have arrived recorded post. thats just shite! i used to work for the royal mail, and to be honest i'm suprised any mail makes it anywhere in one piece!! there was that woman i read about in the news, who rather than going to the trouble of posting the mail through peoples mail boxs, she stuck it all in her house for 7 years!!! she got the sack. heres hoping! steve
  8. found them at crc. being blind. sorry!
  9. where can i buy them. the old style v8's that are all sharp angles on the body. there like screw driver bolts that go through the metal rather than just allenkey grub bolts. any ideas? need about 16, and was after the longer ones. cheers, steve
  10. i sent a cheque to a guy, a week later i had to cancel it and send another. it has never turned up!! so i am going to give him the benefit of the doubt. but having said that, alot of stuff does go 'missing'. but its a risk you run sending it to someone you don't know. however i did finally get through to him over the phone. he said to give it till monday, if it hasn't turned up by then he'll give me my money back or send me another bracket as he says he has loads kicking about. he 'seemed' nice and friendly so i'll leave it for the moment and see what happens. i just hope its not all empty promises. steve
  11. left him an answer phone message today. hopefully his mum will get it and give him a kick up yhe backside. i'm gonna leave it till tommorrow to see if it turns up. if it doesn't, then i'll make his life hell!! he's on southerndownhill.com (great place for cheap parts!), i won't give up his name yet as it may just make things more difficult. but he seems to trade alot and noone seems to complain. i'll get back to you all tommorow. steve
  12. hey all, quite a quick one, basically i bought a bracket bit for hope brakes off a guy on another forum. i posted a cheque two weeks a go, it cleared a week ago. he promised blind that he posted it on monday. it has not turned up yet and its friday(surely it would be here by now?). i have his address and home phone number. what should i do. its only a tenner, but if he is messing me about its just rude. i've emailed him and he either ignores them, or gives a response like ' i f ing told you i f ing posted it on monday, i'm not f ing you abot...blah balh blah' he seems very unhelpful. i've tried to ring him too, but no answer. any ideas? he is a very active member of the other forum. could that be used to my advantage anyhow. i will also take him to the small claims court if need be, as it makes me angr that people think they can mess people about, i've done it before. i have no brakes till this bracket turns up, in hine sight i should hav just paid the £17 for a ew one!! help me. steve
  13. mmm. i can see it would make a differnce as in the photo you just showed it is definately structurally stronger. it just seems weird that hope themselves recommend doing it the other way round. i thought maybe it was to allow a bit of give or something?? mmm, maybe i'll just turn them round and be like everyone else. cheers, steve
  14. bit tough to explain, i have hope enduro 4's. basically which direction are the disks supposed to point? hope tech manual says one thing, the rest of the world says another. my mate has xt disks and they even have arrows on which say the opposite to hope. if someone could clarify i would be very happy. cheers steve http://www.hopetech.com/technical/technical_index.htm open the dh4 manual then on page 7 theres a picture (sorry didn't know how else to descibe it)
  15. how much would you want for them? whats there condition etc. i was thinking of just getting a brand new set from bike dock for £35 with rings and bash. only really need the arms though. but its so cheap i may as well just get new ones. i can't get warranty as they were s/hand already. let me no,steve
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