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Dan Hardman

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Posts posted by Dan Hardman

  1. get them from tartybikes (Y) seem pretty cheap there

    EDIT: prices from tartybikes Price (inc. VAT): £122 Square Taper, £137 ISIS (inc 1st Class postage)

  2. Really though, if it's an ongoing problem go and see the doctor. At the least they can give you some solid advice or pass you on to someone who really knows what they're talking about.

    sorry but i have to disagree with you there, the docs dont know what the f**k they are on about, when i broke my wrist/arm i waited a long time before i rode again, just to make sure it had healed properly. but i get so many pains in it andit hurt that muhc i went back to the docs, where they got a bone scan and mri scan done on it, went back and he says, looks like you have had a break in your wirst, (as if i didnt know that already) took them months to tell me that, something i already knew (Y) sorry i really dont have faith in doctors, mainly becuase they said i had a stomach ache, next morning i end up with a burst appendix. :blink: ah well. your going to have to live with it mike

  3. Try the tool mcrepair.exe. It can be found on microsofts site in the knowledgebase. Sometimes RPC's (remote proceedure calls) will generate C++ errors when a file like oleaut32.dll has been corrupted. When you run mcrepair it will replace several files that may have gotten corrupted. Be sure you don't keep any of your existing files even if they are newer, let the tool replace them. Hope this helps.

    let me know how you get on

    EDIT:heres the direct link to the download http://download.microsoft.com/download/msn...us/mcrepair.exe

  4. Just put all the detail into microsoft route planner an it says an hours drive an cost of £5.50! think the train will be more than that!

    I know i have to add parkin onto that, but it aint bad. if i can be arsed to drive into london on me tod! an if il get my van in the carpark! is it open air or multi-story?

    its a cheap ass gravel car park, but there is a dead end road right behind the carpark, which is where i park and its free

  5. my brake does feel a little spongy but im not complaining as it feels nice like that, so much power as well compared to my old mini. the pads make a clicking sound when braking but im not bothered about that and i dont really pay much attenion to it. top brake i think :(

  6. I treate dit like shit and ragged the thing to death, did go hucking on it so im not surprised it went.  DMR wouldnt warrenty it eiher bastards.

    Mr Lim will back me up on this as he was there when I snapped it

    ha, was funny really, we had the camcorder out for quite a lot of the day and he managed to snap the frame when we were not filming. typical

  7. i have the same problem, well its not really a problem im my opinion, but when you lock the brake there is still movment in the pads when you rock the bike back and forward with the brake on, and as a result you get a knocking sound, presumably fromthe pads moving back an forth :( hope that makes sense

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