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Posts posted by onzatprodude

  1. i would go for the eno front freewheel to be honest... no point in spending that extra uneeded money on something that has pretty much the same performance (engagements) or if u can wait why not go for the new tensile freewheel when that comes out? 60 eps for £30... bargain (Y)


    sorry this is abit off topic but didnt want to start a new topic

    but could anyone tell me when the tensile freewheel is out? and has anyone on trials forum tried/tested them? and whats your opinions on them?

    cheers fergie (Y)

  2. hi mate,

    im having the same problem ive got my balence and can pretty much do as many hops as i want but when it comes to doing a drop its realy had as i cant properly foward hop, i have to do little hops foward each time... and when i eventually get to the end i either skim the wall/pallets as im going down or i just go nowhere and back wheel just sticks to pallets/wall then my front wheel goes crashing to the ground (i usally end up with a buckel (N)) but ive been practising foward hops (properly) but its just not happening and ive been on traszen but didnt really help. i was just wondering if someone could help me in the order in how to do a foward hop it will be much appricieated (sp?)

    thanks alot fergie (Y)

  3. DEll's aren't really computers that you go out and buy when you have money, a DELL is a computer that you buy if your setting up a business and want a cheap reliable pc which will browse the internet, run all the office programs smoothley, and play solitare.


    they also cost about £70 to post it to you and if anything goes wrong with it, it costs another £70 for them to pick it up and fix it (N)

    just go to your local computer shop and ask for help

    cheers (Y)

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