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Everything posted by _tom_

  1. I have one I think, not sure if its the one you are on about though. Its 4 bolt and is for 32t I think..
  2. Yeah trouble is I cant afford another bike! I would if I could though..
  3. So, it looks like I ride a stock bike after reading some various pages.. Just wondering what you lot think the best allround setup is for a stock? Ie what kinda forks, best gearing etc. At the minute I am using some Marzocchi suspension forks but I dont know if I really like the feel - too soft even when I have them as hard as they can go (55psi each leg)! However I do ride some bumpy off road singletrackky stuff aswell so I dont know if I should stick with sus forks or get some rigids.. As for gearing, I am currently running 9spd with a 39t chainring. I did have a 32t but it didnt work with my mrp chain device so I had to opt for a bigger one. However it can go as low as 36t so I am wondering if you think that may be the best compromise for speed in the lower gears, yet ease of movement in the higher ones.. Anything else you feel a stock bike needs to perform for trials? I just dont want to give myself all the hassle of learning on the "wrong" bike (Y) Cheers
  4. Hmm OK im pretty sure my pedals are in tight, but I'll check anyway. I dont have any PTFE tape, will electrical tape do or do I need that proper threadlocking tape? I'll have a go at taking my pedals apart then, getting that washer out is a bitch if I remember right. I have V8's aswell, which were originally causing this problem. Switched to my Eastern bmx ones which worked for a bit but now its came back. It doesnt happen all the time, just intermittently (if thats a word), is thius a good sign that its most likely to be the pedals? Oh and its on the left side.
  5. Yeah the end bolts are tight. They are 48 spline, not mtb cranks. FSA smack daddies.. How do I get inside pedals to grease em? Theres one nut that undoes but then theres another that I cant seem to get off :)
  6. On my bmx, was riding this dodgy little kicker that I made, the wood was too weak and snapped when I went up it, over the bars, sliding on my face and concussion (Y) Good job I dont remember any pain!
  7. Yeah I think its on one side, I guess I need to pinpoint which one really. I'll get back to you on that tomorrow. At first, I thought it was just my pedals. I changed to my old eastern bmx pedals (I was originally using DMR V8's) and it stopped for a while. I thought it was just the pedals but now its come back after about a week... cheap crap pedals maybe? Who knows...
  8. Its a "GBH" cheap clone euro BB. I use a 9spd rear freewheel and it does wobble a bit but my mates does that aswell and his bike rides fine. Also the front sprocket is pretty much new (Y)
  9. When doing my daily laps round the village today, I noticed that I can feel a click/clunk every pedalstroke, coming from the drivetrain area I'm guessing. It doesnt make a noise but I can definately feel it. I have tightened all the bolts etc but it still does it (Y) What the hell is going on? Its really annoying! The BB is only around 2 weeks old so it cant be that surely! Cheers
  10. Look on ebay after xmas, there should be a load going cheap then, as people get stuff for xmas!
  11. None of my mates ride trials which makes it harder to learn, no one to push me or anything I guess..
  12. So, on the Cleanbikes website it looks like there are two sets of Plazmatic V-brake pads - V-Fly's and CRV's. Just wondering what you all think are best for all around use (I also ride singletrack and want to get into a bit of downhill if I can find any spots!)? I cant seem to find any reviews on them, only the Citrus pads or something, which say they are TOO powerfull for anything other than trials? Surely this is a good thing, as everyone likes good brakes!?! Anyway, I would be running these on an unground mavic d521 if that makes any difference. Cheers for any help
  13. If you feel you are going to go over the back when wheelie-ing, tap your rear brake and it'll bring the front down :turned: I'm also in the process of learning trackstands. I can do em for a bit (20 seconds-ish I guess) but then I lose it! I really wanna learn how to pedal kick, they look so good!
  14. I dont like rubbing stuff on my rims really as it just makes em attract more dirt and wears off quickly anyway. Do you lot think it would be worth switching to 24" wheels on my trailstar? Also are sus forks a big problem? I am happy with switching to some rigids as sus just annoys me to be fair!
  15. Methylated spirit seems to work quite well aswell :ermm:
  16. I liked that vid! I'm still stuck doing trackstands and the like :angry:
  17. Blunt clubs would be better. May aswell prolong the pain :angry:
  18. So the heatsinks are better than the V-Flys? They look huge! I had a go riding earlier whilst the roads were thawed out, I suck! All I can really do is trackstand for a bit (10-20 seconds tops) and do a few back hops. Trackstands, am I allowed to move slightly, or do I have to be still, just turning the bars to keep balance? Ooh and should I move my Avid brake to the rear?
  19. Most of the chavs round here arent that bad compared to what I hear from everywhere else round the country! Its the gypsies that are the worst! Think they own the skatepark etc. When I was bmxing a few years ago, they always used to come up to me and grab the grips and go "oi mate giz a shot on yer bike bey i wont nick it or owt!", I just say f**k off and they normally do because I'm big and "broad shouldered" :) They are pussies really when you stand up to them, at least our chavs are hah. Theres also a few cool ones I guess, those ones actually dont mind people who arent wearing burberry <_<
  20. bambi_3, the problem is, I've never seen any trials riders round where I live so I dont know if there are any, and where they would hang out etc. Thanks mark that post was really helpful. At the minute I have an MRP chain guide thing to obviously keep my chain on for the "bumpy" riding I do aswell, which means I can only run a single front sprocket so I guess I will have to make some sort of compromise. I used to have a 32t but wasnt quick enough for my other riding I like to do. Thats why I thought a 9spd with 36t would be perfect for a balance of trials and general all round riding. And yeah, I run my old 3pc bmx cranks (fsa smack daddy, 3 years goin strong!) As for the brakes, I think I'll buy some linear slics then, and get some plazmatic V-flys. However on the tarty bikes site, it says the V-flys are meant for ground rims really. I dont actually have an angle grinder but would there be anything else that could work equally as well? Oh and is a brake booster plate thing a good idea? And how do they even work? I'll go out later and practise my trackstands etc, I allready have OK balance from bmx, not amazing though. I was trying back hops the other day aswell I definately need to lower my seat :) I hope I havent asked too many questions and rambled for too long <_<
  21. I've always loved watching trials but had a bmx so didnt bother trying anything as my gearing was too hard. However now I have a 26" bike so I would like to give it a go, but may need to go down a bit on my front sprocket (39t, with 9spd rear) to get an easy enough gear. I know my frame (trailstar) probably isnt the best thing for trials but I like to ride a bit of everything. Basically I want to know, how do I get started, IE what are the first steps/manouvres I should take? Any guides to the basics? Oh, and I need your secrets for getting v-brakes to work top notch, at the minute they absolutely suck. Im using a front Avid single digit 3 and rear shimano deore, on mavic d521 rims. Would changing to Ody Linear slic cables make em stiffer aswell? Cheers!
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