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monty boi

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Everything posted by monty boi

  1. Nice one are you ok though?looks pretty dangerous Adam.
  2. hey go on www.biketrialsur.com thats his website i talk to him on msn Adam.
  3. i keep overturning the car and it blows up Adam..
  4. His name is gerado garcia i have all his videos he has so much power. Adam.
  5. when you get validated Adam.
  6. Blow tourch it then smash it with a hammer just dont burn your hands Adam.
  7. God chavs are getting very clever now making websites on piczo Adam.
  8. Some pretty harsh clips there the 1st one is legendery Adam.
  9. Why? have you put two topics that are exactly the same just pointless.
  10. I second that, post something that actually is relevent to trials forum Adam.
  11. www.observedtrials.net there all americans
  12. I hate riding on my own you seem to get no where Anyone on here from yeadon or near there Adam.
  13. In my eyes koxx xtp's are good for natural and a no go for street, the weak areas are on the welds near the chainstay area, i dont think an eagle claw will fit because the bolt mountings are on a different place on the frame , if you do alot of natural get one Adam.
  14. Yes but they found synthetic testostarone (sp) which is man made not made naturaly by the body. Adam.
  15. Hey guys i was watching the news and i saw the report on the guy who cheated to win the tour de france , it made me kind of angry why would you cheat if you know your going to get found out? Heres the story http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14059185/ Discuss Adam.
  16. Its ok suppose dont use piczo! its cheap and chavs use it Apart from that its ok Adam.
  17. Chicken pasty from greggs Adam.
  18. Welcome to forum everyone is very freindly on here so you should be fine just watch the text talk A good cheap starter bike probably a saracen for 26" and a da bomb or base as a 20" starter bike.Depends on what geometry suites you. Adam.
  19. Some nice shots the riding looks mint What camera do you use btw? Adam.
  20. Some good riding going on there,please where a helmet! have you read the topic about the poor lad who died? when you read it that will change your mind. Great vid though Adam.
  21. hey guys check out the new 2007 catologue , What you think? , http://www.monty-bikes.de/index.php?show_s...se&random=0 Adam.
  22. Hey welcome to the forum everyone on here is very helpful so you should be fine Adam.
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