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Everything posted by spanners

  1. hey................. i would say get a onza the t-rex is a cool bike!
  2. Thanks for that guys!.............................
  3. Hey............... Wots the best rims money can by? i was thinkin of try-all eny gd?.............................
  4. Thanks a lot amigos my headset is know in place.................... thanks agen Nommie
  5. How do you do it with a bit of wood an a hammer? sorry about this boys ,
  6. hey......... wots the best way 2 put a headset in?
  7. thanks a lot boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. its the black 1 its no 2 nice in red............................. no pics yet ill post them as soon as its ready. ta amigo..........
  9. Hey all!!! have just got the new ashton justice . what do u guys think of it? thanks
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