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Posts posted by MikeHayes

  1. Hey Joe

    Just Downloading it now Will edit when done (Y)


    Amazing video Joe

    You have improved so much since your last natty vid well done mate (Y)

    And that massive rock at the end of the vid looked well scary lol

    Looking forward for your next street vid because you know me i love street.

    Keep up good riding :)

    Cheers Mike

  2. Hey Everyone

    Just thoght i would show you all a little teaser for me first vid :)

    My Vid should be done in about 2-3 weeks so look out for it (Y)

    Cheers Mike!

    tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/Joe_Baxter >>click on Video 1 teaser

  3. Hey...

    Me and three other mates were on our way out riding on our local college and to get there we have to go down a grass hill not a very steep hill but anyway we were all going down the hill using our back brakes to stop our selves and there is always one who presse's their front brake... he put his foot down before he went over the handel bars and fell to the side, us lot laughed at him a lot and he looked up and laughed at us back for a few seconds then put his head down, one lad sed to us (Sam) he carn't b crying and we all went closer and he was there crying and there wasn't a scratch on him and finally in the end we got it out of him, he cried because we laughed :lol::lol:

    He is 13 years old riding trials since christmas :)

    any way tht was the funniest thing that happened :P Ozzy! your mint (Y)

    Cheers Jack!

    Lmfao :lol:

    What a day :lol:

    Cheers Mike!

  4. F**k Me :blink:

    That Gu has made You soo good! (Y)

    The Gap to the Silver rail In Leeds at 1:20 is huge!!!

    Some mint riding going down...and some big sidehops.

    Keep up the good riding (Y)

    Looking forward to some more vids :)

    Cheers Mike!

  5. oh wow, that gap is focking massive!!!!!!! the next CLS i think so!

    top jop dude


    theres no pic dude


    I know sorry about that I can't seem to get any of the picture i put on to show

    It's doin my head in!!!!

    cheers mike

  6. Hey everyone

    Just thoght I would show you a little rail gap it's not very big lol

    Please tell me what you think of it. (Y)

    I would also like to see how everyone else gets on with rails so send a few pictures in :)

    cheers Mike

  7. B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(joe b @ May 17 2006, 11:58 PM) </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->

    Quite good Andrew! (Y) Obviously the one you made ages ago isn't as good as the others but how old it is pretty much says that nayway, ey?

    I like the music style in 'Toxsin-last' you did a nice job of editing it aswell. Shame it wasnt longer! :(

    Whens your new videos gonna be out, can't be long?



  8. Here's A little picture of me sidehopping 5 blue crates.

    Its the biggest I have done i'd say its not bad :)

    Tell me what you think please

    cheers mike

    Here's A little picture of me sidehopping 5 blue crates.

    Its the biggest I have done i'd say its not bad :)

    Tell me what you think please

    cheers mike

    Sorry bout that i can't seem to get picture to show lol

    I will try again later (Y)

    cheers mike

  9. Nice first post, about time content in NMC doesn't give you headaches trying to understand (I'm stereotyping here :- before i get any grief) Like the bike, and I agree with what you said about riding with really good riders, it really does help. Should be validated in no time with posts like this (Y)


    Yeh, im quite lucky really :)

    Theres a few little villages around with like noe trals rider in each of them, and it has (i think) affected how fast they have progressed. I have heard of people trying harder when they are on there own, but thats not the case for me, i try far more and have far more fun with the other riders :) .

    Thanks to everyone whos commented its very appreciated, also thanks for the speedy validation (Y)

    cheers mike

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