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Dr Greenthumb

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Posts posted by Dr Greenthumb

  1. No stan shaw and danny b have snapped theres to. I wouldn say i was a harsh rider at all to be honest!

    Na you're not harsh to be fair.

    I'm not suprised it snapped it seemed fairly weak.

  2. word

    I have one in my left ear, it's only at 6mm atm

    You need to get hold of a stretching kit, or the individual stretchers

    link fo' you

    I initially had my ear pierced, then let it get better then bought an eyebrow bar which is 1.6mm as opposed to the 1mm initial hole, then went up with the stretchers which look like large spikes.

    Some people start a stretch with an eyebrow bar then ram say a 4mm spike in, i found that very painfull so i went up in 1/2mm stages if you get me.

    For example i did - 1mm -> 1.6mm -> 3.mm -> 4.mm -> 5.mm -> 6.mm -> 6mm plug

    I hope this has helped

  3. IPB Image

    This hub's been keeping my rear wheel spinning for the last 4-5 years or so. I got it off my friend when I bought his bike off him back in '01, and it's still running smoothly now. This isn't 'cos I want you to buy my hub or anything 'cos that's not super important to me atm, but they are really, really good hubs :)

    oh yeah mark? :P

    Trouble is it's the wrong size mark

    But yeah it does seem quite good value for money, seem good quality, they look sturdier (sp) than the try-all

  4. it may also be helpfull if you now that i prefer risor bars cheers :huh:


    try some try all flat bars they feel really nice


    Yeah if you prefer risers stick to 'em, i have zoo bars and i love them, they seem a popular choice.


  5. Hi everyone ,round my end recently (heanor) it has started to become abit ruff and it has ocourd to me that certain parts of heanor are off limits because of certain individuals.Recently there has been abit of trouble between trials riders and chavs (no offence), recent incidents have involded fights and threats with foster getting constantly caned.Has anyone else experienced these sorts of problems. (N)

    It's life now which i find appauling

  6. Hi all, i have had enough of my nitro car and am looking to buy an electric car. There is a car club in my area, i just don't have a clue where to start, it has to be on road and i have radio gear. I want something that is going to be able to keep up with most other cars. I have around £150 to spend on it, what speed controller, chasis, batteries, charger, discharger?

    Thanks in advance


    I have a HPI RS4 which i raced indoors, has a carbon fibre chassis, a range of motors from a tuned stock motor and a no limits speed controller.

    I loved it. It's for sale now though :-

  7. I'm working on slow wheelies, not a great deal of people in the UK that can wheely slowly.. combination of getting the wheel really high really quick and working the rear brake loads.

    I can get it down to about 10mph at the minute but there are people that can go slower..

    best way is to show you my video.. it's mostly older footage from earlier this yaer but its still good :) havent ridden much lately due to police hassles :angry:

    Right Click Save As


    do you have msn? wanna hear more about these police hassles :P

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