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Posts posted by Gavyn.

  1. I need to get a disk hub for the front. but i'm not to sure which one to get, I don't want anything to heavy but at the same time nothing to weak.

    please help?


    so i don't get any crap i did use the search but got nothing.

  2. hey

    you will have plenty of time BUT you really dont want to run the magura pads as my friend has them on the front and its got no power what so ever and i run plazmatic spanish flys on the front with a grind and koxx bloxx reds on the back with a grind and it is amazing. so much hold in all wether evan in the river!!

    hope i was help to you.


    chiz, :blues:

    you lie my friend, spanish flies are crap on a grind, i do agree with the koxx reds but still prefer my koxx browns. if you run the red pads make sure you only ride in the dry with the grind.

    get a grind with some koxx brown pads or some heatsink blues.

    Gavyn :lol:

  3. just to spoil you'r role stuart but dont you still use tar!!

    and no i have never ever heard of a rim being damaged by tar .

    also when you clean down your rims with turps also clean the pads with a light sandpaper that makes you'r brake awsome

    i have grinds they are the way forward!!


    chiz :blues:

    or you could use turps to clean the pads and the rim much better than using sandpaper

    steel wool works better than sand paper for pads and rim

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