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Posts posted by RandomHero

  1. a hoodie, with an integrated unit to protect your head/back etc..

    May well work, but you would seriosuly need to design it well. Its all very well having head protection when you have the hood up... but what about when you are just riding along casually and dont want the hood up? Surely the hood would have to be rigid enough to be a dubbed a 'helmet'

    Perhaps a fold away design that folds into itself like those baby prams that fold back so the baby can see out etc, for example. :unsure: just an idea.

  2. No, in the end she diagnosed her chill as Frostbite.

    wasnt that when she was Big Brothers PA??

    'You've put this air conditioning on on purpose big brother cause you know i dont like it'

    err, yeah (Y) they only put the air con in there to annoy one housemate!! wtf.

  3. i can't believe how much abuse this person is getting, it makes me sick. i thought trials community helped each other out, encourage them, push them, give advise and help out a fellow rider but this thread just says it all. i bet you was all like him when you all started trials

    John K

    awww, bought a tear to my eye ^_^

    But its right what you are saying, i bet he was really pleased with that vid when he first posted it up. Im not saying hes the best rider out there but at least he gave it a shot and made a video.

    Dont slate the guy for trying, we've all gotta start somewhere after all.

    ok, the video was alright. A few good bits, you definately dont need all the bailing in it though. Fair enough having a couple bailing shots at the start or at the end but not throughout. The credits were a bit long as well, it was only a short video. You dont need the stills either... like everyone else has said.

    You could've made a good video out of that footage that was about 1 - 2 minutes long id say.

  4. thats been around for ages now. They only have one in the country and they use it for publicity stunts.

    They got it from Italy where they have a fair few of them as cop cars.

    Not sure why there needs to be a whole topic on it though... but i guess it is NMC after all.

  5. shut your cake-hole. most of these topics are only fun... some people have too much time; evidentley.

    Give the guy a break! hes entitled to express himself. Hes knows its a joke from his post earlier and now hes given us his full opinion on the subject.

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