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Posts posted by derenkirby

  1. err i guess i might come....no idea who you are mind.

    who's your freind?

    * I know who you are now silly me lol if you are still going i might be there, depends if i can fit my forks or not :lol: i need a hacksaw but i cant be bothered to buy one lol

  2. If the lever is still slow after all the lubeing, test one thing... empty the master cylinder and remover the hose, dial back the tba to the start, then pull the lever and release, if it's still slow (ie: if the blade comes back and piston stays in cylinder) then more than likely you have ovaled the boar in cylinder and there's nothing you can do.. sorry :( i've seen this a few times and done it my self. It's from if you have fallen off and hit the lever body..

    Hey Martin...well these guys have given you a lot better help than me :lol: i suppose you had better hope that its not the problem with the master cylinder...Neways see yaz around

  3. GU frames are by no means light. the weight of the bike will obviously depend on the components chosen.

    one of the fully built bikes on tartybikes will be quite light, yes. like 24/25lbssss

    edit: yes the geometry is pretty good, but that depends on the type of rider you are, and also height/size will have something to do with it.

    buy the bike. but be diff and get the 1070.

    I've heard of fully built GU's with a weight of around 18-19 pounds, they are light with the right componentry,

  4. If you want to stop pinch flats try the old trick of putting a slightly thinner tyre with no tread and no bead on the inside of your normal tyre, it does work but it adds weight,


    Sounds like it really would add a lot of weight, the best idea i could think of would be to definately lower that tyre pressure (sounds like your exploding the tyre not pinching it) and possibly add talc or even cut up an old inner tube and wrap it around the inner tube.

  5. I think that its a good thing that we don't have much of a category because it makes it harder for people to discriminate against us like some people would say towards "chavs" or "goths" for example.

    I'm sure that in the close future there will be some sort of a category for us as trials really is growing, not only the UK but inmost countries as of my knowledge.

  6. As long as you eat the right balanced diet then your bofy will be in the right shape for trials within no time, this is because our bodies are very clever things and adapt into being good/physically able to do the things you practise often through muscle growth and the loss of fat in certain areas.

  7. I don't like it in some ways. I mean i've posted a post about something and i gave my opinion and i got this back. " your head is to far up your own arse to see what your typing". and stuff like that. It turned into an argument and i found that it was silly. I gave an opinion and if i cant do that without getting my head bit of then oh my god. Also it would be wierd because like one of you said thats the joy of the net you can say stuff you would never say to someones face and if you went on a big group ride and the guy there was the one you slagged off it would be wierd and if no one likes you and you go on a ride it wont be to much fun. Allot of people hate me on here because some wanker hacked my account and if you really don't believe me you can go kill your self. At the end of the day its a forum we are meant to help each other. Not abuse each other. At the end of the day we are all as bad a each other for doing it. I really hate it when people slag me off because i feel unwelcome and if i met you in real life you would give me funny looks. Every thread turns into an argument. WHY. Its stupid. You can give your opinion. If someone has a zoo e.g and they post a pick of it and its been sprayed i don't know erm white with yellow parts and someone don't like it the can say it and shouldn't get abuse back. If you don't like it you don't like it. Thats like some people don't like tomatoes you wouldn't abuse each other over that. ( if you did you are pathetic and worthless). I don't really know if i'm making much sense and i will probs get abuse from someone again but ow well. So come on get a bit more friendly some of you. Its not a comp to see whos the meanest. We are here to help each other. Hope some of this made sense.


    P.S. if you want to give me abuse add me to msn don't block the forum with or shit hope i made sense or something like that.

    I think it would be better if people stopped posting now as this really isn't going to help anyone in any way what so ever, i don't really think there is much left to describe here as hill393/beau has made his point and has been answered by many people who keep giving the same answers, this is just turning into some some sort of virtual fight and i don't think it is really appropriate.

  8. is this all to get on the mods good sides or something :lol: I read a bit of the biggining of your topic and i think that one of the first things onzaboy said about the reason theres a few people that shouldn't have been validated that were was because of rushing to get people validated, i think its better for the future of this site in the long run in order to make the sight a little cleaner. So i guess we've all just got to be patient.

    Either way the people running this place must be doing a good job otherwise this forum wouldn't be so popular.

  9. Why are you leaving huge line spaces in your posts? :P

    Anyway all this talk of freezing has never affected my brakes. I bled with pure water about....4 months ago and throughout the winter NOTHING has happened to them. Still as beasty as ever, and I live on the coast :P

    Water is the way to go, as mark said its frigging free and not £10 for 300 ml ........

    Also gives a better feeling to the lever

    Finally it doesn't mess up your cyclinders as some people believe. Even if the cyclinders are made of steel, what other substance do you require to create rust?

    Oxygen....Think about it :P

    There we go :DB)

    Theres oxygen in water

  10. Lol, I don't mean to ruin the thread by being a moaning tit, but some of these are genuine questions by interested people, do you really turn around and basically tell them to f**k off?

    Anyway, to add the the thread;

    PC Osbaldston - 'Where are your lights? Do you want to go to court?' 'Why do you ignore me?'

    Chavs - 'Lets 'ave a go on that?' 'How much is you bike worth?'

    Little kids - 'Is that a disc brake?!' 'Oh my god, is that a trials bike?'

    Public - Wheres your sit? Are you going to pay for that when you brake it? I think you need some new brake pads, it sounds f**ked. Can you wheelie it? Thats a girls bike.

    Gawd i h8 it wen people ask to have a go on my precious bike lol n like ur guna tell a couple of chavs how much ur bike is worth they'll probably take it wen ur not looking >_<

  11. like he'd actually use a U brake for trials you idiots, its obvious that its for a bmx, and no v brakes arent just a slowing down brake nor are maggies a just a pure locking brake you know f**k all mate.

    gotta agree with that v-brakes do work very well wen set up well, although from my own personal experiance maggies really are a lot easier to get that little bt of extra locking power

  12. why use cables when hydrolics do exactly the same job except the fact that you dont have to keep adjusting because that stupid cable dont keep stretching. also hydrolics are just the best because all the power that u push into that lever gets pushed onto those rims instantly.

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