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Posts posted by will17will17

  1. But isn't that obvious about money, he would not ask otherwise

    tom are you swapping your zoo for a monty when loads people told you that if feels and rides nicer than a monty?


    Your zoo feels dead nice any way :D

    i would say if money was no object go for the monty 221ti but if money is an object and if you want to get a good deal with you money i would go for the 221 pro


    Is'nt that obvious sorry, refering to last post


  2. chris, your bike is on page before this one you know, i stuck it up :D

    any way, if you ask people on the forum they'll make stickers for you , even though you say your uncle can? or something

    Graffics --- some graffics site which is pretty cool, someone on here like half owns it but meh check it out....


  3. :D Cheers people who gave advise, sept for the stupid newbies who all just say, "it will if its same size", just trying to get validated.....

    but i kind of guessed if the disc was same size it would fit i was just wondering about the bolts, if they are spaced out the same on magura disc's and hopes?

    but they are right?



    (and chris shut up haha, its better to check than to waste money if you get me and its not exactly the most stupid post on here is it now)

    Will :shifty:

    EDIT: Oh yeah and to get then you have to phone hope i'm sure.....

  4. IPB Image

    Mine ^

    IPB Image

    My Mates^

    My other mate got a zoo python the picture is a bit dark and image shack is taking ages to load so ill add it when it has done its actually him on his bike because picture of his bike alone is very dark thanks :D

  5. since you asked for advice i'm sure you don't mind us giving it

    you can buy about 2 sets of creepys for 1 set of try-alls and creepys last longer so technically i would go with them, riding them my self and i have a friend with a zoo who is also riding them and they have lasted very long compared to a review on try-alls i did about a week ago.

    Leave the frame the same zoo's look smart as they are unless 26" but you don't got 26" because they don't do creepy's in 26" i'm guessing?

    and don't waste money so technically i have a friend who has bent his bottom bracket (Sq tapper) and he is only replacing the BB instead of a whole new set of cranks because it is a waste of money since the cranks still work ;) you get me

    Thanks *Greeny* hoped this helped


    nice gold profile i got a red one myself, bet you could of never guessed ;)

    I also bet you bike looks well nice gold and silver if you got you hubs built on onza ronnies and reggies?

    also do you got a gold hope squ-er through your front disc hub?


  6. :D

    hey, i was just wondering if a stock stem like this STEM (1) would fit my mod bike (t-mag 05) i'm guessing it will i just want to check and if it doesn't has anybody got a sugestion for a mod stem quite low because the one i got at moment is quite steep and feels a wierd ride to when i ride a friends bike ;)



    IPB Image

    If you can see in picture stem is a bit too steep,

    any other suggestions besides a new stem to lower it in anyway would be great thanks ;)

  7. No Probs don't worry , but if you buy them off tartybikes make sure they are the onza chain tugs ;) for £8 i think ;)

    Hope I helped thanks


    (make sure onza ones because looking at the picture the gusset ones dont screw off...) ;)

  8. nope i don't sorry, only the shop or website will and since there isn't your best bet of seeing it is either finding somebody who brought one and asking for a picture or popping into the shop? its only in nottingham ;)

    best i can do sorry

  9. Chain Tugs

    hey if you buy these and but the black circular part in a vice and get some pliers and twist the screw like rod with the bolt and tensioner part on it will come out and u will end up with a little circle.... a perfect spacer.... ;)


    - righty tighty

    - Lefty loosey ;)lol

    hope this Helps


    Those words might not be so wise so this might help?

    IPB Image

    Hope it does?

    If not never mind


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