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Sam Ward

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Posts posted by Sam Ward

  1. Im buying a shed load of stuff at the weekend to get my jump bike complete ( or as near as finished as possible) but when it comes to buying a rear wheel im stuck,

    I don't know wether to go ss or run gears, i've got a D521 rim laying around and don't know wether to build onto that (which would work out more expensive) or buy one ready built, if i went ready built which would be cheaper i still would be stuck on wether to run ss or gears. I had my eye on the dmr revolver rear hub but when i looked on crc i found this


    Now i can choose the ss version or cassette, i don't have a large amount of money so ss would be cheaper for me but does anyone know what crc's wheel builds are like, and is there any good reason why i shouldnt run ss.



  2. I play golf.

    Now i know you may think its boring but if you go out with friends or even your dad you'd be amazed how fast the 3/4 hours go by, plus golf clubsact as great weapons if someone breaks into your house (or if you want to beat seven shades of shite out of someone)


  3. heatsink reds are the worst brake pads in the world ever, dont even be temted to think about buying them(N) (yeah, worse than coolstops and blacks) and the worst bit of it is that i swapped them for koxx greens :wub: (lush with a grind). But its not all that bad 'cos il be getting some toxsin pads which are like the best ever.

    Cheers lewis

    Care to explain why there so bad.

    Everyone i know who uses them loves them.


  4. Ok its the holidays and i can't ride trials. So im going to make a movie and i mean a good 15 minutes if i get the right amount of clips.

    So good people of trials i want all of your little bail / ownage clips, doesnt have to be trials ( if anything i only want a few trials clips)

    Oh and some funy music would also be great.

    So catch me on msn :- samward244@msn.com or a link would be fine, just as long as its funny and it keeps me occupied for a few hours.

    Thanks guys.


  5. If anyone finds their local 'cru' website, please do post it up. I could do with a laugh. Can you not search for websites with piczo? It seem that they harbour the funniest websites available.

    jus use advanced searc on google, you choose which url's it comes from.

    sad thing is i cant get on any piczo webstie at all (N)


  6. if i were you i wouldnt be saying all these things because chavs being as smart as they are will find your ip adress and they'll send down the girls to do us all over. LMAO

    what a bunch of wankers.

    the sad thing is all the cool crews out there make a website on piczo, did you not see the "fareham trials massive" that cropped up on here a while ago.


  7. Haha you were never real hardcore yoyo fan then :P it was all about the henrys viper with the bearing hop up kit that made it go longer harder and faster lol (Y)


    Pinky and the Brain B)

    Sharky and george :o

    And last but not least!!!!




    (ill go back to my corner now lol)

    NO NO NO you got it all wrong, theyre called clutches, all the good yoyo's had 4 of them but sum dude in the year above me stole loads of peoples yoyo's (including mine) and made one with about 30 clutches but it looked a huge mess lol.

    And all the old t.v. shows, i only liked a few of them but watched all the others because i felt like an outcast if i didnt.


  8. Ive not got anything that scares me, just when im about to do something i always have thoughts of what could go wrong e.g. gapping to something but theres nothing to put my tyre onto once ive gapped so i'll always think my front end'll drop and i'll faceplant into my bars.


  9. If you're going to try and do that, you'll need the other side first to do it best. If you go and try taking the r-side out first, it might be easier 'cos it's metal so you aren't risking chunking it up as much as the plastic one, then you can batter the plastic one with the screwdriver + hammer. Just make sure you're turning it the right way! Can't stress that enough, the amount of posts on here about "My BB won't come out" "Are you turning it the right way?" "Oh, no I'm not" is unbelievable :P

    Firstly i am turning it the correct way, i even checked before making this post.

    But you cant take out the r-side cup first because it is attached to the bb itself ( the non drive is the loose one that the bb screws into once it it is in the frame) so you have to take the non drive cup out first, but as its plastic it should come out if i just take pieces off a bit at a time.

    Right? or am i just being gay and not making anu sense.


  10. If you have got the other side out (the bottom bracket it self) the plastic cup can be removed by getting a flat blade screwdriver or thin chisel and making a cut through the cup from outside to in.. this will split the cup and will come out without any damage but don't try cutting to far in to the cup as you might damage the threads... you might also need to to use the screwdriver/chisel on the lip of the cup hitting it from the top or bottom to free it..

    No unfortunatley im still on the non drive side.

    But would just taking the plastic out bit by bit with a small screwdriver work.


  11. I have finally got the crank off my jump bike with the use of an angle grinder but now i cant get the bb out. Im using a huge assed torque wrench, and a lifu bb tol.

    But as i was attempting to undo the plastic non drive cup (anticlockwise), parts of the cup broke off so now im left with just a quarter of the toothed bit to undo it with, which is proving itself to be a right cnut.

    Have any of you had the same problem and actually managed to get it out.


  12. Well my neighbour is sponsored by goodridge and can ask for any sort of there hosing with no questions asked and i asked him the other day if he could get me some, and with that we went down to his garage and he gave me a load of hosing for me to fit on my bike.

    The thing is all i have is hosing and no adaptors and i would love to fit it on my bike.

    But is there anywhere that i can buy some adaptors so i can put this lovely looking stuff on ones bike.


  13. At last an old times topic in which most people can relate to.

    I especially remember yoyo's (x-brains) and pokemon cards, i remember the chump down the road from me swaped his mew for a charizard and then cried for the rest of the afternoon.

    Another classic is conkers!!!!


  14. I hate to break it to you but your gunna be out of action for a while.

    I ripped my thumbnail off when i was young and i couldnt write for a month without it hurting so god knows how long you'll be out of riding.

    Im sorry to hear youve done it aswell and i know how painfull it is but you just got to rest it for a while and hope for the best.


  15. Yes

    In a free mbuk video from a while back Steve Geall was using a mongoose 24" BMX with front suspension (psylos I think) so it should work well. It'd be just like putting it on a 24" mtb like the dmr rhythm really. Although there could be geometry issues as I think he had his modified. The new marzocchi 24" sus' forks might be ok if there are issues with geometry. Sorry if this random ramble was no help at all :D

    No not really but i do like the sound of it, a comfy BMX that you could actually use for both getting around and having fun on. (Y)


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