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Karl Butcher

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Everything posted by Karl Butcher

  1. Oh check you out with the profile you flashy git! what colour is it?!
  2. Good riding dude didnt like the music though to emo for me!
  3. Some good shots there! for some reason i really like the Echo in yellow!
  4. Awww no worries man hope you get better soon! if you can make it drop me a msg or somthing or if you still got my number drop us a txt
  5. Awesome photos man! look like a good day!
  6. Oh i cant wait to see these Tailwhip drop-off and you need to get that gap done boy!!
  7. Nice work man really like the video i like the turning around on the rails
  8. Haha i bet you felt like a right tit! thats why you should wear shorts or trackys and not expensive jeans!
  9. Woop good old boy! kev will be pleased that you out!! haha where was you planing to see hot girls in bikinis hay hay!?!?!! and you wasnt goin to tell me?! how rude!
  10. Yeah its a internal headset ( i think ) lol
  11. i am 14 at heart! (A) Well all my gay/bi mates have it done and ALL my missis gay mates also have it done! i think theres a gay thing about it it could be worse you could get Mr Happy peirced!!
  12. I dont like flesh tunnel but its better then getting your eye brow peirced! if you get your eye brow peirced you be pulling loads of men if thats your kinda thing!
  13. Lets hope the weather stays nice like it has bin! 1, Radfax 2, Sir hops alot 3, Skoze and some bmx bandits (they're sound guys) 4, Harmertrials 5, Sonny Clarke 6, Clawz114 7, Daryll 8, Sam 9, Darren 10, George 11, Lankyri (if he is not to wasted the next morning ) 12,ANDY-MBK-RIDER(wow cant wait now this is going to be some big turnout if everyone shows up! ) 13, El Christoff 14, Ash Kennard 15, Craig Walker 16, Glen 17, Boss/ Tom 18, Ryan RS 19, baz 20, adrian J 21, about 5-6 local BMX lads 22, dan more 23, Medway Trials (even though i've quit, I fancy seeing you guys again) 24, T-rex boy 25, Birdman 26, Bradders 27, Leeroy 28, Troy 29, kev 30, travis (mabe) 31,Gideon 32, Callum 33, Tim-Rodriguez 34, Dan burgess 35, Phil Verley 36, Brad Crawford 37, Charlie Jennings (sorry) 38, Reece Hearn 39, Barber 40, Danny Kearns 41, Dean Bell (maybe) 42, Phil King (i'll do my best if i'm in my flat down south at the time) 43, Ben John-Hynes 44, Grant H 45, NileBrown 46, Rich Pearson 47, Tom Hutley (if he can get the day off) 48, Reinold 49, Majixman AKA Martin 50, Jon B 51, Frazer r 52, Lloyd B 53, Andrew chai 54, Ben Henderson 55, AndyJ/Andrex 56, Sam Jones (I CAN GO WOOOOOOO) 57, Ryan G 58, rudoxolty 59, clarlytrials 60, Rich Hill 61, Jacek Nowacki - Spider_JJ 62,banbury trials 63, Jake 64, Chris 65, matt olley (im putting down because he is not a member yet) 66, luke (im putting down because he is not a member yet) 67, Bill Broklehurst 68, Dale Gribble (depending how much my arm is still hurting after tattoo) 69, Bertie Palmer (Just for Lanky Rick, he hasnt been out in a few years ) 70, Kristian (freedrider) 71, Karl Butcher ( If i can get down )
  14. Dont get it done!!! the only people who get it done are Chavs, Gays! and young kids that try to be cool! get somthing else peirced like get a flash tunnel or somthing!
  15. haha i ment my mate ben he lives near me lol but more bmxers are welcome!
  16. yeah why not! my mate Ben is somtimes out on his bmx so you wont feel left out
  17. 10p? when can i pick it up?
  18. Just wack some locktight in it and it should be fine i had to put some locktight on my BB cos it kept coming undone every day!!
  19. are you sending me some wheels Jake?! how nice of you! you best be out on the 18th boy!
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