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Posts posted by Balman

  1. If you dont like the vid then dont bother commenting!

    No rules saying if you havn't got anything nice to say then don't just express your opinion on the vid some people liked it some didn't i thought it has protential maybe kick a few clips out and a change of music maybe a little more riding and a little less bails and it could go somewere but still few of us on here no what everyone else likes and few are editing masterminds so w.e im not video making god so i can't rip the shit to much it wernt perfect but it wernt proper shit ether. mer

  2. his 17 year old sister has just got preggers from a 32 year old african, an mr.african is apparently going mental at jardos little sister cos shes lookin at abortion. heavy shit.

    That is pretty deep imo i say her body her choice if i were ether to get my gf pregnat dispite me bein ready for it or not id leave it up to her what's best for her but that might just be me.

  3. I personaly havn't had any issue's with STI'S/STD's as I know full well that my girlfriend and only sexual partner was a virgin befor she met me. How ever when we first started having sex we found that one of the condoms we had used split this made us both very nervous after a few days had gone after she was ment to be on her period we got very, very insecure about the hole thing. We desided to take a trip to the clinic just to put our mind's at rest the test came back as negative and they explained that the more female's worry about not coming on there period the more they delay it. They were all pretty friendly in there and put her into the system gave us loads and loads of free condoms and put her on the pill so it wouldn't happen again.

    After many, many more months of being together and becoming more confident and trusting each other we desided to purely rely on the pill althought it is 00.1% more risky thats somthing that we have both desided we are happy to do. We have been together and having sex for well over a year now and nothing else has ocored other than a trip to the clinc for a pill top up for her.

    But if you think your girlfriend/sexual partner maybe pregent don't dismiss it as 'oh she has just thought about it to much thats why she hasn't come on her period' go and check it out at the clinic as said above theres no harlm in it and mummy and daddy don't have to know what you have been up to its all confidential and there very helpfull.

  4. I had the same prob minus the distance thing making it even more risky to be honnest you say 'love' what is love? I sure as hell don't know and i very much i doubt i will know for a fair few years yet a wise man once told me the woman you marry is not the woman you get on with 100% of the time as there is no such thing its just the one thats a little more bareable than others... In such a short time its hard to say you love her and you clearly like this other girl that would be easyer to have a 'proper' realationship with that you can meet up with sper of the momment as oposed to im pissed off or i need sex hows next month for you? You can offer the long distance girl support with kind words if you deside to break up but at the end of the day she lives yonks away its not like she will hunt you down? I personaly would do whats easyest and what i felt right imo would be the girl that is close but you may think differntly if you do think differntly then youv already made up your mind so you no longer need help just my opinion but thats what id do.... ether way cheatings rong imo so try stick to one if you can help it but i won't judge.... lol

  5. What a power freak that was amazing he just has such a beasty style no matter how massive things were he just pissed all over it, looks effortless yet massive still one of my all time fav riders and always will be manic (Y)

  6. You make it sound like a barrel of laughs... i think i might get one over the weekend for a chuckle lol but seriouly howard good luck with the opp im sure everything will be fine best of luck man :)

  7. I dont know why but ive never really liked onzas, although they've made some really nice bikes, i probably wouldnt get one if i had the choice


    Fair point as its your opinion and your entitled to that how ever iv owed ALOT of bikes Adamants, Ko's, dimondbacks, Zhi's, Koxx ect and my best bike iv ever owned i have to say is my current bike and thats made by onza its a ben slinger proto frame and im chuffed with it, it rides really well. My second trials bike was and onza t-pro that i put zoo bars, echo stem and boxx browns on i think it was an 05/06 bike and my god i learnt everything on that bike and i progressed non stop that was a beast i couldn't recomend onza more especialy some of there more expensive bikes limeys look and ride very, very well and the new ice looks to be a winner but ill have to wait for that to come out befor i can judge it properly i don't see what the problem is with the onza brand they make beginer bikes sure... but there on a budget thus why there so cheap and no pro spec parts i have friends that have top spec componants and went back to a t-pro frame and loved it.

    Just for the recored im not having a go or anything like that just sayin im rather fond of them and i think the new range will be awsome :D

  8. To be honnest i rarly read into things to much its normaly women that read into it to much and go way over the top with thinking men are much more stright forward best thing you can do is just go about it like you normaly would just have her round treat her like a friend ect then act suprised if she wants to 'explain things' or 'cuddle up' it could be nether and she litterly just wants to say like oh yeah this happend and we broke up so anyway how was your day... but i doubt it as females aint that simple. Just go about it like your normal day and see what comes up is all i can suggest

  9. I sold a bent ko frame for £70..... and it was older and more batterd lol I may have a buyer already he's aparntly sent the money today if its not here by thursday its yours but the frames up for £80 £60 takes the piss abit lol

  10. just wondering because my frames on its way out and would like to know if it will work much love dan x

    Yeah just run the snail cams on the inside the bolt will tighten together and clamp the frame how it should :) buyin mine then? lol

  11. Jack that was monopoly money...

    Seriously just get back with her, shes 20X fitter than you and i wouldn't mind her on top of me... in fact... say "ill get back with you if i can take some naked pictures of you" then send them to me :)

    *Gets phone and forwards* I may do I just need to make it clear that it can't be as serious to the extent that if i fanncey a ride im goin for a ride if i fanncey a sleep im not guna go see her ect think it got a little to full on.

    Nah don't bother going back, you're young!!! If anything you just need to focus about binge drinking and drugs etc ;)

    Andy im still all yours for binge drinking and drugs don't worry :) and ill still give off the impression that im single at collage so all the fit girls will get with you so they can get close to me its not a prob im a good mate :P

  12. So you'll do exactly what I did in your situation, umm and arr over it for far too long, tell her it won't happen too many times, and eventually she'll find someone else, then you'll miss her even more... Then she'll still make hints she likes you, but everything will just get more and more complicated ;)

    That sounds great i think ill do that lol no i probably will acctully end up doin somthing like that stupid i no but at the momment i don't no if i want her or not it could be for the best......... maybe

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