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tom 20

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Posts posted by tom 20

  1. Cry??? thats a bit over the top, my echo team got stolen and I didn't cry... look on the bright side, you have one babe of a bike and it will be running again soon, atleast you're not hurt and its not been stolen.

    Yeh buts its a bit of a bummer if you've just built a brand new bike and broken it alredy. Disheartening :mellow:

  2. It broke today...We were out at a local place with some walls there. adam was pedalling up a 3" wall and the tensioner snapped the hub bolt was ripped out therefore stripping the threads in his hub aswell. Then the police came and told us to move >_< I cannot imagine how pissed off adam was. I would find it hard not to cry :$ lol. good luck on getting it fixed adam.

    Tom (Y)

    Ooo thats sh*t luck there <_< , hope he gets it fixed soon. Are the monty hubs easy or hard to re-tap out? :ermm:

    I defiantly would cry :$

  3. A black frame with pink stickers would look fabulous, Just look at Watson's bike, his black Zenith with pink Koxx stickers on it.

    Confused me when i saw that :lol: but then i realised what it was.

    And yes pink stickers look good on a black bike (Y)

  4. im not talking about the frmae, im talking about when you buy it standard the components are crap, the mission frame is almost the same as the T-raptor and the sarcen frames are strong but the components are weak!

    well mine just came with maggies and drilled rims and i havent upgraded anything apart from brake pads and its fine!

  5. :shifty: My mates crank bolts kept coming undone and we locktited them, its very good at " locking" the bolt in place but there a bugger to undo. He snapped the bolt of in the cranks trying to undo it, which resulted in a new bb :lol:
  6. Hey dude, I read peoples comments saying buy a 'saracen' or 'mission', i highly recommand NOT getting one of them, they want last very long, I would recomend a bike but i dont know your budget, so if you could give me an idea of how much you are willing to spent, I could maybe help more, or as someone also said buying a second hand bike, now thats a good idea, you can get good bikes for cheap that way! (Y)


    :shifty: Thats actually bulls**t because ive done everything from 7foot gaps to 7foot drops and mine is still running fine. So know what your on about before you make judgment about things :angry:

  7. :huh: You could just use the search or an angle grinder would do the job, depending on how light or heavy you want the grind to be i would use an old rim to practice on first to get the feel for it ^_^

    EDIT: im not sure if the pads that come with tektro brakes would take a grind that well ( as in they would be crap or wear down fast).

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