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chris mac

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Everything posted by chris mac

  1. your better off building a bike from scratch, i did worked out alot cheaper, i only paid just over 300 for my t-mag including profile and mono trial disc and so on. you can pic parts up alot cheaper second hand.
  2. bb7 + mountain bike outer and inner + xtr lever had it on the front of my bighit at one point was the best brake ever beats hope m4s and so on, and becasue they are cable they dont leak so you dont thave to faff around with seals and bleeding and so on.
  3. Well, id say the best song for trials videos is alister "some were down in fullerton" that song rocks!!!!! it went so good with one of djs vids i have loved it ever since.
  4. Hello, im proud to say i own a yzf 450f there s**t off a stick. and if any ones says that mx bikes arnt fun there rong (personal opinion) i did also own a honda crf50 that also was a little flying machine did like 45-50 no problem. and never had a problem with it until i fitted a ti exaust which doulbled the horse power and ripped the valved off the tube. great thred!!!
  5. Hello, id would say go for a second hand curtis or leeson, theres always at least one on ebay you could have a look at. my mates got a crutis hes selling it was on ebay about a mouth ago. they look realy smart
  6. Hello, old school t-master!!! bb went forks snapped then frame craked in two places. was a realy nice ride, after that i had a black mumba, now i have gone back to onza. onza rock!!!
  7. this guy knows his stuff, its what im doing
  8. i have my own little way of back wheeling i dont know of eny else who uses the same technique. all as i do is go at the wall or what ever with quite alot of pace hop realy high to back wheel its realy hard how to explain it. i appologise i cant help more
  9. Hello, hope all the way!!! because in the unfortuneate event to damage or brake it you can send it back to them and they will more than likly fix it for free/very little. hope ive helped
  10. Hello, i have done this many of a time, all as you need to do is get an adustable spanner adust it to the size of your disc (its like 2-3mm) and bend it out or in. remember to do around it to thats always a winner. it musnt weaken your rotor that much because i have a mono trial and those discs are renound to snap. dont worrie about the weaknes. hope ive helped.
  11. Sorry if this offends anyone but t-birds must be one of the weakest mods ever apart for missions. but depends on how harsh you are because my mate craked my other mates t-bird with in 10 mins of getting on it. sorry to disapoint.
  12. Hello, i would say a onza t-master (old one) that was my first trials bike i found trials realy easy because they have a very short wheel base. Which means that the frount end comes up easyer.but saying that i had someone who was realy good teachiing me the correct things to do and so on. your better off going with a second hand onza becasue they are cheap and popular, theres generally lots of them on ebay. hope ive helped
  13. Hello, im sorry but i cant see why the colour of a hub determins wether its good in dry or wet or weres out faster.
  14. Hello, I would say that you spend your money wisely, think about what you would like to change on your bike. i would personally go for some new pads (koxx browns on a grind) will result in you having alot more confidence doing gaps and drops etc... also if there is anything that is cheep and you can see braking in the near future. my forks didnt last too long so maybe save for a while too change them. hope ive helped
  15. Hello, rim grinding is where you roughen the braking surface on your rim, resulting in more friction between your pads and your rim, therefore making your brake have better hold. you can do this by grinding the braking surface lightly with a grinder, hold it at a angle so that u dont cut your rim in half. Also keep moving the rim or the grinder so you dont end up with an uneven grind and unlevel braking walls as this might result in your rim being weaker or flexing more. hope ive helped chris.
  16. Hello, i wouldnt recomend that you wasted money on helicoiling or tapping as t-birds are a weak frame, your better off getting a second hand python or gu both have 4 bolt magura mounts and are very strong frames
  17. Hello, its more than likely a bit of condensation or dampness caused by riding in drizzel or rain.
  18. Hello, id recomend a Kmc kool chain they are a reasonably cheep chain (you can get them for 8 pounds or something) ive had problems with fatter chains rubbing off seat stays and seat tubes, its worth keeping in mind. if you dont have that problem id also recomend a gusset bog chain there super fat and super strong. hope ive helped
  19. to be honest mate its not worth the hassle, if you think that water will be ok go ahead and do it but if it brakes dont come crying and complain that your brake leaks. bleed it with dot 4 or dot 5.1 to save the hassle if it does brake, it shouldnt take over 20 members to tell you that what you are going to do is rong. listen to them
  20. Im hurt you have metioned onza, in my eye many of great riders or soon to be riders will have learned on them. i have an onza im in love with it im sorry you think that way ] :
  21. Hello, while you have your bottom braket out if you spray wd 40 on the threds of your frame and bottom braket, this will displace the grease from it and give it a quick scrub with a tooth brush. dont bother with the lock light your better off using strength. as if you arnt strong enough to tighten it enough to stop it form coming loose you might not be able to get it out when you need to. hope ive helped
  22. Hello, im very sure in fact that 15 tooth freewheel doesnt exist. If you wanted to have a 12 tooth sproket on the back you would have to get a new cranks as 12 tooth freewheels dont exist. so to compensate the fixed sproket you would have to get new front freewheel cranks, 18 tooth freewheel would go nice as it is the standard mod gearing. this would simply screw on to your new front freewheel cranks, you may have to shorten your chain by a link or so good luck i hope i have helped
  23. try www.chainreactioncycles.com , ring hope and ask about it they are very helpful and understanding they generally try there best to help you or try leeson i have heard that they make custom discs to any size and pattern you want.
  24. buy a king. a bit on the pricey side but well worth the money. they do them in intigrated too for about 70 pounds i think.
  25. well i have a bighit dh/freeride bike with manitou dorados king headset etc... but trials wise 06 t-mag
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