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Cannondale Ashton Rider

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About Cannondale Ashton Rider

  • Birthday 08/15/1983

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  • Interests
    Bike trials,<br />Light aircraft,<br />Engineering,<br />Music.
  • Location

Cannondale Ashton Rider's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. If it was only open to validated members it would not be too clogged, I would guess there are a few hundred validated members? And its only a html file probably a few kb's in size, much less than the size of a picture. Obiously its just a suggestion, it does seem to work well on other forums.
  2. Hey I have been looking on this forum for quite a while and have decided to start contributing, I think that it would be good if you have a user page where the user could enter html code like a mini site with the forum frame around it. On some other forums I visit this system works well as a way to present photos in a nice way and for the user to say more about themselves etc. Cheers
  3. Thanks for that info, when people I know have had items helicoiled it has cost them £15 - £20, I guess they've gone to the wrong place! I was just thinking seeing that he has already had it rethreaded once maybe it is poor quality metal used in the Da-Bomb frames. The best option is to learn not to rely on the bashplate!
  4. How old are your chains though? Do you regularly lubricate them? Are you sure that you are always joining them properly? I am not a very harsh rider but I have used KMC chains for a few years and not had any problems, and neither has anyone I know. I wouldnt say it is a particularly common problem, and I doubt it is a design flaw. My other major interest is flying light aircraft, and this has taught me that proper regular maintainence and inspection is the key to avoiding parts failing. Edit; Whoops didn't see it was the split link you were having the problem with.
  5. What do you think has improved / was wrong with them? I have to say that i found them great 7 years ago and i still find them great! Good own brand products at great prices, I feel they really helped the sport grow with the introduction of Onza.
  6. Looks nice! I think it would look better with more color co-ordination. You should get the GU forks to match as well, they look really good. Do you know how much it weighs roughly?
  7. I doubt you will get anymore than £200 for it, my friend bought a year 2000 x-lite for £250 in amazing condition, and that was still quite a lot for it. I think you should ask for £150 for it, but expect to get less. I would very much like to see a picture of it, I dont remember seeing any with square downtubes. Dont put it for sale in the new members chat area though!
  8. I always wear a helmet now, I didnt used to until one of my friends brothers split the top of his head open after falling off some dirt jumps in a local wood without wearing a helmet. What was even worse was he was alone at the time, and it was about half an hour before some other kids found him and called for an ambulance. This experience totally put him off riding, which is a shame as he was one of the best riders in the area. Not fun
  9. My best time was probably when i got my cannondale after many years of wanting one. I love the fat tubes and smooth welding! Also when ever i learn something new or go bigger it makes my think "This is what makes trials so fun and rewarding"
  10. I tryed that many years ago with the original Onza T-bird, they fell out again very quickly. I think the force caused the superglue to crack, thus destroying the thread.
  11. Over the past few years I have ordered most of my components from Supercycles. All of them have arrived promptly, and on one occasion when the part arrived damaged they were happy to sort me out with a replacement. They have always been polite and helpful over the phone but they seem slow to reply to emails sometimes. Go for it
  12. Personally I feel that you would have better luck by getting a different frame. The Da-Bombs are not particularly good frames in terms of quality or geometry. It may seem like a lot, but a second hand Onza T-Pro would probably be the same cost as getting the bashplate mounts helicoiled a few times, as it is likely to continue breaking. I don't think you can fit a bashring to those cranks, so the cost of a bashring and new cranks would be near that of a good second hand frame. Thanks and good luck
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