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Posts posted by MasterOfGussets

  1. There are much more than 20 Mac viruses.

    You don't have to be a retard to get a virus. All it takes is someone moving in the right circles to find zero-day exploit codes for an unreleased security hole in a certain operating system and they can cause real damage.

    For example, there are "underground" groups (THC, teso, ADM, etc) who spend their spare time finding bugs in software. They program "exploits" for their cronies ("private warez"). Some of the members' friends will probably be priveleged enough to get a copy. If one of them knows how to code a decent worm and has motivation then they can do damage. Most groups will report any holes to the software manufacturer and only release exploit codes publicly once there is a patch released. But patches usually take 2-3 months to be released from the time of the bug report. (Usually because the companies don't respond, then finally set up lab conditions to work it out). Just think back to Code Red...

    As for OS X being permission-based... that won't help whatsoever. BSD-based OS's are very secure remotely. But their local security isn't really much better than Linux.

    If Apple do move to Intel processors it will open up a whole new world for virus writers. They won't have to spend time learning a new flavour of Assembler - they can just learn the Mac OS's API and away they go. And there are already multi-platform spanning viruses (think back to "Winux" which infected Windows and Linux). Moving to Intel will be a nightmare for them.

  2. They are if there arent any viruses...

    Or are there now?

    I remember a hell of a lot of viruses for Mac's over the years. They just never had many worms. So the infection rate was at whatever people chose to pass the programs around at.

    I've not really looked but I would have guessed there has been a big increase in the number of Mac viruses and worms since the kernel went BSD. As long as you can get the same amount of control over low-level networking as you can on say Linux it would be a great target for worms. Only problem is not many "security experts" try to find holes in OS X because there are very few paying customers hosting webservers on it. (Not to mention that most worms use security holes to spread now and most kiddies don't know how to program in Assembler for the Mac processors and therefore can't write "shellcode").

  3. I despise Nikki, I swear if I saw her in the street I'd smack her in the face. f**king whiner. I've got windchill in my ear, stupid f**king bitch.

    No, in the end she diagnosed her chill as Frostbite.

    Nikki is pretty dense. But probably the most consistently entertaining housemate. Apart from Pete liking when he got pooed on by a bird.

    I hope Grace gets evicted because she is one nasty piece of schitzer. After her I can only hope it is Mikey - the most boring specimen of the human race in existance - or Lisa - Johnny Vegas' Oriental cousin, Jackie Chav.

  4. Jesus Christ Super-Erection (star)

    Good Erection Hunting (Will)

    One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Erection (Nest)

    Southern Erection (Comfort) / Erection Comfort (Southern)

    Texas Erection Massacre (Chainsaw)

    Sliding Erection (Doors)

    Erection Lies Beneath (What)

    One Hour Erection (Photo)

    My Big Fat Greek Erection (Wedding)

    South Erection: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (Park)

    Big Erection (Fish)

    Bram Stoker's Erection (Dracula)

    Erection Gadget (Inspector)

    Erection of Fury (Fist)

  5. Windows XP Home w/ SP2 - OEM. WinXP Home OEM for £64.61 inc. VAT

    You could download Linux. Or just get a free copy of featured distro's with Linux Format magazine... or Linux User magazine.

    Then again, you could go with one of the most secure operating systems ever that is free to download - either OpenBSD or NetBSD. And the Mac heads can't diss those because Darwin is based around the BSD kernel (Y)

  6. I don't think sex is an act of sin, I think it's one of God's greatest inventions! (He could have made it a lot more boring) The whole idea of sex being an evil taboo sin and should only be used for pro creation is an absolute load of crap. The bible has a whole book in it about sex (Song of Songs) and is repeated over and over about how important sex is in a relationship (see Corinthians) I believe that with the notion of God (obviously not applicable if you don't believe there is one) marriage is more than just a ritual it's a huge spiritual commitment in the eyes of God. Basically this is the logic I follow God created sex > God created marriage > God says sex is best in marriage> God know what he's doing regarding both sex and marriage > I trust God to be right.

    I'm not trying to preach and make you all 'repent for the end is near' I'm just sharing what I believe.

    I don't know about that. I don't believe there is a God... I believe that to be common sense, but have no problems with believers. But what ever way you want to look at it a human beings' sole purpose in life is to procreate. There are no two ways about it. You're not here for a higher purpose or any of that bullshit - you're here to make babies. I'm not saying that's like, "just go out and have sex." The whole point of it is to inpregnate a female.

    Can I ask why you believe in God? Because I'm oblivious to any proof. I trust in the saying "don't believe everything you read." I think the Bible was a really good, creative childrens book. But it's just a form of control instilled in you from birth (or when you're Christened). I see no real gain out of "believing" there is something that you can't see, can't smell, can't hear nor touch. I would be intrigued in finding out what makes a person believe the stories.

  7. As above, a local band I know that're currently in negotiations with three labels for a deal...

    Car Crash Television - Describe themselves as Progressive Rock. "Think Rage Against The Machine and At The Drive In via Seventies’ prog rock and Jeff Buckley."

    For anyone one that's interested and in the Kent area, they'll be playing at The Beacon Court Tavern in Gillingham, Medway on Wednesday night at around 8:30pm.

  8. Well we're both christians (please don't let this become a "slag of religion thread" it's just the way we live our lives) and share a belief that sexual intimacy is meant to be used within marriage. So if you can become completely intimate on a emotional/spiritual level without the use of sex then I think that is a good thing and obviously the couple should be ready to get married anyway. I think we can all agree on sex can potential making things really messed up if it goes wrong so in some ways it's a bit of a relief. I'm not saying it's easy (because my girlfriend is absolutely stunning and I am a 20 year old male!) but I just try to look at the bigger picture and I'm planning to propose to her soon anyway.

    The point back to your situation is that I think it's a bit odd how she didn't tell you how she felt at the beginning. I'm sure a lot of the forum members will see me as old fashioned weirdo but if my girlfriend shares the same beliefs as me then I don't really care because we are happy together.

    I can see this guys point. But views and opinions can change. You just have to work out wheather they've really changed or if it is something she's been pressured into saying.

    I do think the guy is old fashioned though. I don't see any real reason to get married. I don't believe in any sort of deity. (I don't believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny so the chance of me believing in something that's never even supposed to have been seen is infintesimal).

    Why spend thousands of pounds on clothes you'll only wear once, a ceremony you won't really remember just to have a shin-dig with hundreds of people drinking booze you've paid for? Just to do right by an intangible entity that doesn't really exist? Spend your money on getting a home set up or something more productive.

    Back to the point though: I don't think you should respond by being easily swayed. It's almost a subconcious way of pressuring you into settling down. And from this post I would guess you're not ready. But... (in full Blind Date's Alan-style voice) the choice is yours!

    If you want my brutal opinion though, (you probably don't, but oh well...) it sounds like a typical Catholic: Religious when it suits them.

  9. i suppose that is quite a funny spelling mistake. luckily for me this time me and my bike did not have a scrath on it. which is more than i can say about the car, it had to be about £1000 worth of damage no jokes. u dont normally hear of the cyclist doing over a car do you! :D

    I don't know... I left more damage the one time I got hit.

    I was riding home years ago during autumn at 20:00 (so it was dark). Was riding my BMX along the cycle path about to cross at the traffic lights. Looked up and the green man was there so I continued. It must have just disappeared as I looked down because some middle-aged prat in some luxurious car, already half-way across the crossing anyway, done a wheelspin and when into my back wheel.

    My stunt peg obliterated his light and wing. My back end just spun out from beneath me and I scraped along the floor. A few minor cuts then some huge graze and bruise on my hip... hurt like shit at the time. Luckily I didn't hit my head because I wasn't wearing a lid and would have probably had a nice hole in my skull.

    It didn't dissuade me from riding as stupidly. I just stayed on high alert for twats in big cars that they can't drive properly.

    Thinking back to it I was probably lucky he managed to brake quickly. I'm sure if he hadn't he would have run over my upper body and I wouldn't be here! They'll have to try harder next time.

  10. religion, yes. She always has been religious but recently started changing (since she hit 21) and in my head seems to be going a little crazy. Her parents put mad pressure on her to perform at uni, and are super strict. They also detest me. I have spoken to her mum once in 3 years (true) and been inside their house once since easter 05.

    I told her exactly how I feel, but not in a cross way. I love her like crazy, i'd be seriously gutted without her, but do I REALLY want to sign my life away like this at 22?!

    Sounds Catholic... they're religious when it suits them (Y)

    If sex is that much of an issue then you need to sort it. But I would seriously think before eloping just to get a session in. And if you're thinking like this now I bet I can guess what you'll end up doing.

  11. She is pretty damm hot though, bit of duck tape over her mouth :D jobs a gooden

    Then I suppose it would look a bit like rape/suprise sex

    Grace is the hottest I reckon, something about her I just like :S

    Maybe it's her Pug Dog-like facial features?

    A 42-year-old Professional model who paid £4000 for a ticket?! Kept women, I think. The gold they're making her wear suits her... trash.

    The Welshman is an idiot. Scored highest on the IQ test (I can only imagine he got 80?) but can't put a sentence together properly. The mentally retarded Care In The Community guy that wets himself in public, that lives down my road strings words together more fluently.

  12. Can't stand the game. I would rather watch paint dry than sit watching 90 minutes of 22 planks kicking a ball around. Atleast, that's how I felt until my girlfriend got me to start watching Chelsea matches with her.

    I'll definately be watching the England matches this year. Mainly because Crouch is hilarious. He's like a flamingo in a football strip. (He claims he's going to power his way through defences but I'm yet to see an ounce of muscle on him).

  13. to put the shits up you further ... it used to be possible to rewrite the url that appears in the address bar of your browser so it's lying (ISAPI rewrite I think the module is called )- I imagine someone like danny would be able to tell us whether its still doable or not.

    ignore email from the following...



    your bank


    You can do it with Javascript.

    It's just some crappy 'phishing' email.

    Seeing that they mentioned an Indian IP I would guess it's a thing from some little group of Indian teenage hacker-wannabes (Lots of them in India - Brazil is big for it too). I would guess they're little kids that haven't learnt to break into computers yet so are sending anonymous emails trying to catch card details.

    Just keep submitting false data and totally clog up their database.

  14. 60 degrees really isn't that hot, and certainly not hot enough to cause any damage. If your computer is set to turn off at 60 degrees, then that setting is wrong. You won't cause any damage until 90+ degrees. The air that's coming out of the back of the PC, how hot is it?

    There's no such thing as too cold really (Y)

    I don't know about that. Older AMD chips can be shagged at 70deg's Cel.... like mine.

    Could be any number of things. If you have a spare PSU that you know is working try changing it. Try unplugging any cards installed and starting up. If it works, plug them in and power up one at a time until you find the fault. Check you have the coolant lube crap between the chip and heatsink. If it's an older AMD chip go with Intel or new AMD chips. (Y)

  15. That looks really nice. Not too sure about the gold hubs. They interfere with the running black/silver theme.

    How does the bike ride, anyway? I'd been looking at getting one before I decided to go with an old school bike so I'd be interested in knowing (Y)

  16. I think it's down to muscle memory and a positive attitude.

    Back when I started I would have days when I was feeling negative and some when I was positive. On negative days I wouldn't accomplish much without really forcing new things. When I was feeling positive I was getting a quicker development rate. If I didn't make a move I would try again until I did it. If I didn't get it the second time I would just stop and take a few minutes to think about how any little thing went differently and try to keep it in mind for corrections next time. (I guess that's essentially a meditative approach).

    You persist at things and your body learns how to handle it in time. As someone said in an earlier post, your body starts to use smaller muscle groups to get the same effect with less effort. Like anything it just takes time. It's not limited to bikes either - think of trying to learn to play a musical instrument or play football. Persistance is key.

    I got out my old bike for the first time in years (over 5 years) the other day. When I first got on it felt pretty weird and I couldn't balance to trackstand. But after the 2 hours I spent on it I was able to stay mostly stationary for enough time to compose myself before a jump. I know it will take a while before I can trackstand for ages again and jump up what I was backwheeling to years back. But I'm adament that because I was doing it years ago I'll pick it back up within a week of riding my new bike when I finally finish building it.

  17. PROMS!!!!!

    how long have people been doing these? they were an amreical only thing when I went to school.

    Though even if they were around when I left school, I couldnt have gone as I left in yr 9.

    and even if I did do my gcses and left in yr 11 AND there was a prom, I wouyldnt have gone as I didnt like anyone at my school and I would have been bored out of my mind, also, I HATE wearing posh clothes.


    The same for me except I left in year 10.

    However, if I had a prom and were planning to go to it I would get a convertable Robbin Reliant with Go Faster stripes and neons (Y)

  18. are you rolling behind a car to gap that cause thats ball shit. And please dont lie u b*****d

    Although I can't vouch for zoo I know from watching the videos on here that a lot of the members can gap 7' and over. Try taking a look in the video section?

    The video was good. Pretty poor quality but the riding didn't seem poo. Although for 18 months riding I would have expect bigger moves. I think you're being a little close-minded about not trying bigger moves, too. You might hurt yourself but you'll do that learning most sports. Just grow some testicals and try it - Your body will heal (Y)

    As for the whole, "don't lie you b*****d." That's totally the wrong attitude to come here with. Just because you can't do something doesn't mean no-one else can do it.

  19. Kool, lets have a looksee then :D

    So Dan Ko no longer is the main distributor?

    I thought he was just a retailer.

    Does this mean that other shops will be able to get hold of V!Z stock?

  20. That's sexy. I didn't know bikes came that shiny?!

    Only things I could think that I would change are the Magura pads (due to reviews on here) and maybe put a booster on there. But then I don't know how rigid they are with the built-in booster.

  21. you can do it, and it will work. but only for a while.

    the mounts go on angled, so it will ruin your brake pads, and there is limited/no adjustability.

    not really worth it in the long run, but it will do for a day or two.

    i'm sure you can find some cheap 4-bolt mounts somewhere.

    Not really. The calipers can be angled slightly, too.

    You could do it but you would need to buy V-Brake adapters I would have thought. Easier and stronger to just part with the cash and get 4-bolt clamps.

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