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Posts posted by robonatomz

  1. after thinking about some of the points raised in this thred one of them is playing on my mind.

    That not all people can afford to travel to the world cup,s. a fair statement wich i may well have had the wrong reaction to earlier.

    most of the people on the list have some form of international riding achievement. so at some piont in 2006 they traveled to another country to compete. say to the biu world champs for example. so at the start of the year, looking at my limited finaces and time off from work, i thought to my self, Well they are the uci world championships so the best plan for my riding this year is to 1. practice more uci 2.use what time off and money i do have to compete in uci events, 3. get some good world cup finishes, and a top 20 world ranking.

    i thought that it being the uci worlds, then uci results would fair me well. when this was deemed not to be the case then i realised id wasted my time all year, wasted my money all year and generally felt hard done by.

    as far Roger's coment, i dont take kindley to being called an internett gobshite, its not very often i post any more as most of what you say on here gets pulled to pieces by people that dont know what they are talking about, mostly young lads who had i trials bike for a bit and think they know all.

    besides i hate writing and using the pc, its hard work for me to write so that it makes sense.

    however i felt the need to post on this because, my name was flying round and because i wanted to voice my opinion on how things had gone down.

    the problem i have is, i like to ride my bike, biu, uci, street anything but in this counrtry there's too much politics,

    my dad just made a coment to me, "there's no use knocking if there's no-one in" he's made me see sense, no use trying to be herd, im one lad, i strugle to put what i wanna say into words on here, and what i do say falls on deaf ears.

    best thing i can do is ignore all the haters, ignore everyone in fact, just ride my bike and try and injoy it despite all the B.S


  2. im not shit stiring, im voicing my opinion, thats the general idea of a forum is it not,

    I did ride at the previous fort will events, and i did enjoy them, i was not sujesting that they should be made harder, just that in my mind the venue does not have the scope for world level sections, i dont know the exact ins and outs but im sure a world championship has to have a set amount of nateral sections. so the money for man made stuff is all well and good. i just thought that there were a lack of nateral obsticles

    The travel cost's to a world cup are not exactly emense, i work as a shop assistant for god sake, not the best payed job in the world, and espesially not in the area i live. the ones that are not within driving distance are very cheap flight away.

    True the same name's fill the top spaces in both sets of rule's, but ask any one of them wich is the harder and they will im sure all say that uci is the hardest

    Why not stop indeed, but its a bad habit to get into if you are on the world uci team, soon use the dabs up by tapping the odd pedal here and there.

    I understand the problem with accomadation, but it would have been a far better way to decide

    What i am sujesting is that something doesent ring rite, british cycling tell be bike trial uk made the selection, bike trial uk tell me british cycling made the selection, people i know who were in the only bike trial comitie meeting between the forms going out and the selection being anounced have told me that the selection of the british team was never discused,

    So thats 3 groups of people each saying that the other made the selection.


  3. Just like to piont out wain that there hase never been i uci trial at fort william, the scotish one day trial, was described as a trial with a uci flavour. and let me tell you it was a very mild flavour. proper uci world sections are very different than those set in fort bill before. i hope for the events sake that there are other sites at the venue with bigger obsticles, because i visit the area every year, i have for about the last 10 years, and i dont think there is anything hard enuf there.

    remember , the sections need t be able to take marks off the best riders in the world, im sure the likes of kenny, vince, comas , carlos dieaz etc will be disapionted.

    also the way that all 2006 results were taken into consideration for the selection is rediculas. knowing that the uci world's were coming to britain, and knowing that every other country in the world makes there team selection based on the uci world ranking. i got off my ass and entered as many uci world cup's/comps as i could to get a ranking. to use results from a different disapline to make the selection just dosent make sense.

    i wached some of the riders selected at tykes at the weekend and fiarplay they finished in high positions, but on the other hand, they didnt seem to be able to travel more than 4 feet forward without putting a pedal down, be it for a breather or to correct thier balance.

    the top and bottom of it is that in this country we dont have a national uci championship. so the selection has been handed over to a few members of the bike trial uk comitee.

    the most fair way to have done it was to decide after the 2007 world cup,s they are all before september and anyone who wanted to could ride.

    basically the whole thing has been a farce and if this lack of knoledge/ organisation and coruptness carries on into the actual event then it will be a shame for the sport, and the promosion of the sport in this country.

    think i have said what i wanted to to say, before the insults start i know i am not the most litterate of the forum users. and im not just moaning because im not picked, its my opinion about the whole thing


  4. lol, yer just been out ridin on my limey and now my nuckles drag on the floor! i would love to see i slightly shorter version would be good for the more vertically chalanged of us! hehe

    i have been using the onza chain tentioner and it seems fine, other than be'ing for only QR it spot on, does what it says on the tin realy. keeps my chain tight and it dont slap round like a mech, not too expensive either.


  5. yer, chill out, the dropuots on all trials frames are just factory "off the shelf" dropouts, so most of them have a disc mount.

    untill very recently it would not have been herdof to use a disc on the back, its only recent advances in brake technoligy thats made it possible. and so in good time i would think that the disc mounts will be bought up to speed.

    i have rode dans bike and it is the most stiff frame ever, it has very little flex, much stronger than the limey one that i currently have.

    dont jump to conclusions about the whole frame because of a disc mount, that realy if you ride to a good enuf level to warrent buying a limey, you would have to be pretty mad to use a rear disc, rim brakes are far far better at this moment in time! for 26" wheel any how.


  6. on my 26" 18-14

    and on my 20" at the mo 18-12 but i want a 20 tooth freewheel or eleven rear cog if any one has either! please for the love of god the gearing on that bike needs to be harder!


  7. ok, i just nipped out to the car park ripped all the interia out of the vito and dropped the engine out of my mate's mr2 turbo in the back, so thats the front wheels been driven by 2.2 turbo diesel at 100 brake and the back by 2 liter turbo petrol at 320 brake, so that makes a 420 bhp vito! man im gonna rip up that nurburg ring!


    ps cant wate for the wrc sprinter to come out!

  8. sorry it seem's i am as good at understanding sentances as i am at working a computer sometimes,

    there is plenty of potential in the uk, lots of up and cumming rider's , if like other countries they got the support from thier cycling federation im sure the uk could come up with some great riding talen :lol:

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