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crazyman with a death wish

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Posts posted by crazyman with a death wish

  1. like everyone has said,great starter bikes because some of my friends started trials but there all got different makes of bikes and two of them got t-pros and the others got other trials bike and they all said after trying the t-pros thats its was the best to start trials on and i like them

  2. the funniest thing just happened to a poor friend. he was just going a long on his t-mag and he tried a back hop on top of a wheelie bin (dont ask why??) as u would of thought he feel of but he landed it but to hard and we heard a cracked . it looked ok we didn't see anything, as we were biking back he said give u a wheelie race as he pulled up the hole front part lifted up as he was going along hahahahahhaha and fell right off. :(:( for the bike its in bites now

  3. i am 15 and u should tell your dad you can get alot of money outta doing trials i got £60 from my local bike shop if i did a little trials in the street to promonte his new trials bikes his got in the shop

    i am not the best but i still got the money :D(Y)

  4. u can they tryed it with a testla coli in 1938 the idea was have a big testla coli and it transmits the electricity to another testla coli in your home it worked but it started to set things alight and horse shoes started to get magnetized to the ground it didn't hurt them .

  5. 3 Trials bikes by the age of 14?

    You lucky little fellow, I've had 3 and i'm 21...

    welcome matey

    i am 15 and i have had 4 trials bikes 2 jump bikes 2 bmxs and i got a few full suspension bikes

    i have a lot of bike and parts

    i am not the best but lots of people come to me when there bikes are broken and i fix them

    i should start my own shop :lol::D

    trials:t-pro, t-mag, misson bmxes: huffy, planet X , jump bikes: dmr, planet x

  6. because the teachers son works at the bbc so he can get all the people we need but i dont know why its going on sky i will ask me teacher next time i have a lesson with her ok

    the bbc are helping as film

  7. i went out and brought a bike off a friend but it was broken so i got it cheap as it got fixed. i was told that it cost £40 to fix it so my mum said that it was all a waste of money getting the bike fixed until the guy that was fixing the bike rang and my mum said to him is this bike worth fixing and the guy said hell yeah the bike is worth £500 paids but after i got it back she said it doesn't look like a trials bike and i quote "it doesn't have a seat u can't go on bike rides with that" she thought of the other type of trials

    well sorry for the life story (being so long) but i had to say all of it

    and when i said to my grandad i am getting a trials bike, when he saw it he said where is the engine.

    i have a smart family.hehehe

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