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  1. yh know its an ace syt cuz many kewl movs n so.. but dunno wyh u write with such weird nglish?, kinda hard to read
  2. Hey again guys, updating a little of my progress and so.. I ended up selling my old bike and buying the BT Ninja 365. I've been riding for around 5 hours today and I really really love the bike, so much different then my old but still everything is soo much smoother now!! I wonder if you guys could help me find some movies with this bike in it?, would be cool to watch it in action by amateurs or pros!! I could also need some more help on my trial progress, as posted earlier in this post i've managed to stand on the back weel, do pedal kicks and just some beginner stuff and so.. can jump from one thing to another (with a small distance though).. The question I got now is, what should I practice? Is it jumping from one thing to another with pedal kick or what do you suggest? I must say I really appreciate all the people that answered me so far, your all so... so... uhm.. kind!! ^^ I will also show a small movie of my progress soon, it wont be edited to well or anything like that, just wanna show you how things is going and maybe as huck_it said I will get some replies with tips of how to improve. Thanks again guys n girls!! // Happy swede Lommen
  3. Thanks for the fast replies!! I think I will be able to try it before I buy it but do you think it's a nice bike in general? You think the size of it and so will fit me better?
  4. Hey guys!! Been a long time now since I posted my progress here... soo.. I've got big confident on my backweel now, really!! I can do alot of jumps and still keep the balance. I've managed to do pedal kicks etc to jump from 1 object to another. Let's just say that i've progressed alot, I guess a movie will come in place in some months... dont wanna embaress myself yet. Now.. there is this thing, I think I could do better with another bike. I know someone joked about that I should get a proper sized bike but I'm actually starting to believe that my bike is to small for my lenght... I'm 183cm. So, I dont know if this might sound foolish or not.. But im thinking of the Trial 26"BT Ninja 365. I know it's not a 20" that i've been riding before but I actually think that I might be more ... hmm... 'home' or 'confident' on a 26"... hard to explain but I think it would fit me better. Please give me all your comments regarding this change and some ideas and tips, everything!! I guess there's no use anymore to excuse for my english since you all say it's fine That's all for me by now, Thanks in advance!!
  5. WOW awesome vid mate
  6. Thanks for all the answers!!! I think I got the idea of how it's gonna work now, gonna practice loads when I get home from Bulgaria. Again THANKS!! All help is so appreciated!
  7. Hey again boys n girls.. Well, got my very first trial bike today and been biking for like 6 hours!! I've managed to just jump up 40cm when I jump at speed.. trying to "stay" standing on my back wheel like you guys do on the movies but god, it's hard!! Do you got any tips on how to do that? If you even get what I mean.. just standing on the back wheel.. xD Anyway.. here's a pic of me trying ... something!! And here's a pic of me... !! Please no bad comments on the pictures.. You see.. I had to take this little camera.. set it on a 10 second countdown and then run to my bike.. do some trick at the exact same time as the countdown hits 0.. and i'm telling you it wasnt easy!! So.. well.. you gave me the tip to do pedal kick and so but it is hard without being able yet to stand on back wheel ^^ Anyway, im moving to Bulgaria for 8 days tomorrow so wont be able to bike , it will be fun though gonna go there together with 13 friends with only two things in our heads... girls and PAARTY!!! Bye guys!
  8. Wow thanks for all the nice answers!! It's a Monty 219. I hope it will work fine as a beginners bike!! I will follow those tips Dan. That site is by the way really really nice! Again, Thanks!
  9. Hey. First of all i'm going to say sorry for my english.. it might not be the best. My name is Fredrik and i'm 18 years from Sweden (place called Varberg). In 2-3 days I will get my very first trial bike with the small tires (mod, 20 or whats it called).. The reason why I'm getting a trial bike is that when I was 15-16 I had this little bike (no trial or anything though) that I ride a lot with and enjoyed trixing with, I stopped doing that later on because of school. Now I got time again! Now my question is what would be best to start practice? I don't mean what place or so most what kind of tricks/balance and stuff somehow. If it's necessary for you to know I will mostly ride street, in the town or so. Please don't see this as one of those "unnecessary" topics like you've said to some other in the newbie forum. I really would like some mature answers. And again, sorry for my english don't know if it's good or bad but don't blame me, i'm doing my best
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