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Hope Disk Brake Adapter

gu trials

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I was wondering if the hope disk brake adapter will work on any sort of disk brake because i have an avid leaver and a haze calliper but to make it work i have got a load of spacers on the bolt so it will fit and it looks really untidy. please let me know if you think it will work and i can get pictures if needed to see if you think it will work.


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I think if you make it a bit clearer as to what you're actually talking about? I've read that numerous times and can't quite work it out. It's mainly what do you mean by 'disk brake adaptor'...I was thinking of a mount allowing you to use a bigger disk, but you mentioning of the avid lever has confused me...

If you explan a bit better then people can probably help.

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Presumably you've a mechanical hayes disk caliper? This is set to work correctly for a 160mm disk if fitted to a post mount fork (Post mount is where the caliper mounting bolts point into the fork leg). If the fork has an IS mount (Where the bolts are parallel with the front axle) there will be an adaptor from the caliper to convert the post mount to IS to allow the caliper to be connected. This is still for a 160mm disk.

If you want to fit a bigger disk you'll need an adaptor that moves the caliper further away from the fork so the pads stay lined up with the disk braking surface. Each adaptor should say what sized disk it's suitable for.

Since all IS mounts and all post mounts are to the same standard, any adaptor designed to convert from one type to another or for a particular disk size will work provided it doesn't interfere with the particular geometry of the caliper you have - buying an adaptor with the same brand as the caliper guarantees this won't be a problem.

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