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Loving The Trials!


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Ive just had a great day riding with my mates and i just wanted to share it with you!!! Ive just got back into riding, im 22 and i used to ride when i was around 15 so ive had a pretty long break. but im back and im really loving it! Ive been going through a pretty hard time recently and starting trials again has helped me out alot. when im riding i forgoet all the bad shit and stuff i worry about and i can just concentrate on having a good time on my bike. which is what its all about! like today for instance, me and 2 mates went down the industrial estate and had a quality time making a course out of pallets and other random things we found, and just generally messin about on our bikes. id forgotten how much fun this shit is!!! i dont know where im really going with this thread but i thought it be cool to post it on here.


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I wasn't riding trials today, but I had a good play in my back garden yesterday...


Today I cycled my XC bike 8 miles out to the local forest I first forest rode an MTB in (About 12 years ago) and the trails were beyond perfect. It's not like the trails there are fantastically difficult or somehow better than everywhere else, but these are the trails I've helped build for over a decade and the day cycling them in perfect condition was more than payback for all the time I've spent digging, draining and minding these trails :D...

I was with two great friends I've known for at least 5 years and met through MTBing, so no huge fitness range like we'd have if beginners turned up (Club Sunday spin is open to everyone), so we were able to cycle out and back - pure pleasure to not have to arse around with cars for once. Nobody out to prove anything, no rushing to get home, no sitting around waiting for people to finish trails, one puncture (It's not a full cycle unless this happens :)) and it didn't rain once the whole cycle (Even though it lashed rain earlier in the morning).

Where I live (West of Ireland) the weather has been mostly wet and crappy for almost the past year (Though I think everyone got a crap summer last year, we had 3 months of almost non-stop rain from November), so understandably my enthusiasm for cycling was waning somewhat.

Today will be remembered as one of the best days MTBing I've done in years - it's certainly recharged my trail mojo :).

Edited by psycholist
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