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Chainstay/downtube Protection


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i waa thinking of how easy it would be for me to make, carbon, fibre glass, kevlar, aluminium etc protection for what ever part of a bike..

it would need testing first, but i was thinking on the lines of layers, so fibre glass, alu insert, carbon or fibre glass outside... or something like that, would do testing to find best idea..

so i was wondering if i bought some materials and made some, would anyone be interested?? could i sell them?

they would be stupidly tough, look good, protect you £300+ frame, match your frame (black silver transparent or colours..?), cheap and custom to your particular frame and you etc..?

i know there like armourdillo's and stuff but they just look so rank lol and the chainstay prtectors arent strong enough for trials

just a thought

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Definitely worth giving a go. Only issue I see is that since each frame will be a slightly different shape and you probably don't have a sample of every frame out there handy to fit the guard to, it will be difficult to give the custom fit required for the stiff guards you describe for each person you make a guard for. A way around this may be to sell the kit for making them with instructions, so if it doesn't fit afterwards, the person who bought it is at fault for fitting it wrong...

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well i was thinking when i go on rides and stuff i get to see all the diff frames, and all ill need is one cast for each frame, and obviously alot of the deng frames for example have same sice downbtube and chainstays... i think ill jus try it anyways, jus to add an extra £50+ on my frame when i sell it lol as it would be in mint condition still :D

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