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Gapping From The Edge


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The most common advice I get from people to improve my riding is to "gap from the edge." I have a hard time doing this.. I find once I'm on the edge of what I'm gapping from I just roll right off and get no distance at all compared to "rolling into the gap." Can someone break down what exactly I need to do? I tried the Wiki but it did nothing for me..

This is the most recent footage of me (i'm on the red Meta):

Please help me correct my poor technique!


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I posted something similar a few days ago on OTN

I was told 2 things...

1. "Jump up! There's a fundamental change that has to happen in your technique. Generally when you start pedal kicking you rely heavily on the pedal kick itself. Unfortunately, as you have found out, on very narrow obstacles that just won't work. Try to use your body more. Preload your body/tire and think about jumping up almost more than jumping forward and just give a short stab at the pedals."

2. "Your biggest problem is probably letting the brake off too early. Try to consciously delay letting the brake off until after your comfort point."

I'm still working at it so I'm no pro, but letting the brake off a little later, and kicking just as hard, but with a shorter stroke has helped the most.

I've been practicing this on a small concrete parking bumpers, and working on increasing the distance. Im getting better but not consistent yet.

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I posted something similar a few days ago on OTN

I was told 2 things...

1. "Jump up! There's a fundamental change that has to happen in your technique. Generally when you start pedal kicking you rely heavily on the pedal kick itself. Unfortunately, as you have found out, on very narrow obstacles that just won't work. Try to use your body more. Preload your body/tire and think about jumping up almost more than jumping forward and just give a short stab at the pedals."

2. "Your biggest problem is probably letting the brake off too early. Try to consciously delay letting the brake off until after your comfort point."

I'm still working at it so I'm no pro, but letting the brake off a little later, and kicking just as hard, but with a shorter stroke has helped the most.

I've been practicing this on a small concrete parking bumpers, and working on increasing the distance. Im getting better but not consistent yet.

Thanks! I really appreciate that. I'll try it.

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