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The In's And Out's To Trials, Gear Etc...


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Well well; Afternoon all.

The creation of this here topic is for me to ask a few "Noob" questions about trials etcetera. With hopefully the replies of some good hearted forum users, willing to help out the new kid :)

I will be updating this topic with any more queries/questions I may come across rather than producing another.

First question for you all is in relation to brands and the like.

Basically I'm wondering what brands are to look out for... "Top of the range" "Common" You may say. This is relation to all trials gear:



-Handle bars... You name it!

Reasoning behind this query, is simply that, sure I know the "In's and out's" of mountain biking, but I am a newborn' to trials, along with everything to do with trials.

I would appreciate that greatly, thanks :)

My second question for this not-so-warm afternoon is the upcoming; Onza's top of the range 2009 Comp, does it cut the cake?

This is a terrible "Noobish" question to ask... Although it is a genuine question.

To elaborate my meaning a little deeper, you see, from advancing rather quickly in my skill on a bike over the last few months, trying and pulling off things my riding bud's of a lengthier experience, would not dare... I am rather full of myself; over confident would be a fitting statement.

Meaning that as soon as I get the basics of trials I'll start going to off trying ludicrous things, Larger drops than I've tried on my hardtail etcetera... The point is ladies and gentle men, after reading through a few topics I have picked up certain facts and statements that make me think...

...Does it cut the cake?

This, coincidently, ties in with my first question. Seeing if I knew the answer to my first question... I would therefore be capable of answering my second, but... I do not. Hence question numerous deux :)

Thank you all, and my apologies for the long winded post. I will look forward to learning a thing or two from you all,


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First question for you all is in relation to brands and the like.

Basically I'm wondering what brands are to look out for... "Top of the range" "Common" You may say. This is relation to all trials gear:



-Handle bars... You name it!

My second question for this not-so-warm afternoon is the upcoming; Onza's top of the range 2009 Comp, does it cut the cake?

First things first, great post! As i hope you're aware, you've been validated now - welcome to the rest of the forum! You could perhaps ask for this topic to be moved into trials chat, you'll get some better, more knowledgeable replies.

Most companies make their own handlebars, rims etc these days, so it's just amatter of choosing the one that'll suit you. Handlebars will all feel different, it's all down to personal preferance. Most trials rims are super wide to increase grip and reduce tyre roll, but comes with a weight penalty. Rims don't have to be hugely wide though!

There are loads of different brands around, and it all depends on what kind of riding you do. As you were saying about hurling yourself off bigger things in the future, you may want to look at some Deng parts (Deng being the owner of almost all the asian biketrial companies, echo, zoo, czar, adamant etc) Their parts are aimed more at the street/ TGS (stands for taps, gaps and sidehops, as it's all they tend to do) riders, so they're made to take a pounding. However, if you were interested in entering competitions, you'd do better to look out for brands such as monty, koxx, yaabaa, ozonys - they're very specific to the style of riding.

There are also "proper" street bikes, which are usually short, have a low bb, a seat, and are used for more flowing riding, manuals, bunnyhops, spins etc, most street bikes these days feature 24" wheels, but there are still a few good 26" street bikes. Names to look out for here are Curtis, Leeson, Inspired, Revell, the new Ashton/Diamondbacks, Heastink 24UKs, and there is a bit of a cult following of old, discontinued frames such as Planet X Zebdis, Orange Zeros (but they're very rare) Ashton ET24s (also very rare, the bike that started the 24" revolution, but were prone to snapping) Giants, Megamos etc.

A good thing to remember is a simple rule often thrown around by the older riders; strong, light, cheap. Choose two. so whatever two you go for, you'll enevitably be missing out on the other.

A few important things: Brakes and Hubs!

Most people run a rear Magura HS33, there are loads of different set-ups to choose from - pads, grind/ no grind, what they're bled with (oil or water) levers, hoses... Mr Deng also makes his own Hydraulic rim brake, but unfortunately, they have a tendency to leak :(

Front brakes, people still run maguras, but lots of people use disc brakes. The Avid BB7 is cheap and has very very good lock and hold when set up well, also look out for Hope Mono Trial disc brakes.

Some people (me included, up 'till a few months ago) use front and rear disc brakes, and hopes are the rear disc of choice because of their great lock, hold and most importantly - how the feel. You get a nice feeling of what's going on out back that you don't with Avids.

Don't forget vee brakes! A well set up vee can out-perform maguras and even disc brakes. Avid is the company to look out for, and there ar emany choices out there for set up. SD7 levers/ arms are brilliant if you're on a budget, but if you can afford it an Ultimate is definately the best on the marlket. Just be sure to have a good, smooth running cable.

With regard to the Onza, they look pretty good! But always remember, for the price of a new bike, you could get something twice as good for the same price second hand. If you do go second hand, make sure the parts are in good condition!!

Hope it helps, any more questions just ask :P

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There is an old thread that i read http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=16144 but apparently its dated

"First question for you all is in relation to brands and the like.

Basically I'm wondering what brands are to look out for... "Top of the range" "Common" You may say. This is relation to all trials gear:



-Handle bars... You name it! "

I would suggest perhaps a different stages in trials parts list as well. I bent my rear wheel with in about a week and when I visited the local bike hut they suggest I get a new rear worth £160 :blink: if I was doing really impressive stuff that would be fine but it was not really needed and way above what I would utilise.

So Perhaps

Beginner Stuff, or cheaper stuff and then decent parts and costs. Also what’s important? Ie Spending more on brakes or getting a better engineered frame as personally I have no idea.

Edited by smotobob
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I would suggest perhaps a different stages in trials parts list as well. I bent my rear wheel with in about a week and when I visited the local bike hut they suggest I get a new rear worth £160 :blink: if I was doing really impressive stuff that would be fine but it was not really needed and way above what I would utilise.

My echo rim is standing well no dents or flat spots yet and i give it a right bashing

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A very good evening to you Chris.

I am replying to your correspondence, not, unfortunately, to overwhelm you with my abundant advice or knowledge of Trials, as i myself, am a

complete novice, but to congratulate you in your literate and descriptive posting style.

I see you've been validated for membership of the forum, exultations Sir!

A fellow 'newbie'.

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Must say captain Skoze, great post!? As i hope you're aware, you've been validated now!

Frames...get whatever you can afford- truth is, whatever you get you will get used to. It's just an excuse blaming your frame!

Rims...i have no idea...they're all essentially the same

Bars...get riser bars...monty ti bars, try all rage or trialtech...all awesome (Y)

Onza really are a great company..they've brought out a few really great frames over the years for comparatively reasonable prices and i have no doubt that the onza's will perform just fine


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Must say captain Skoze, great post!? As i hope you're aware, you've been validated now!

Why thank you Mr. Balls, as i'm sure you can see i've had far too much spare time recently :P

If you don't have time to read my ramblings, Adam's is a lot more concise!

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