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Leaking Magura Pistons

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Hello, I thought I split my cross over a couple of days ago but it appered to be the piston leaking where the barb goes in. Now it just won't stop leaking. I've used Ptf tape and that doesn't seem to help. I've now gone to a monty splitter and it leaks everywhere from each end of the spliter and still the pistons.

Would I be best just getting new pistons and a crossover? Or is they a way of fixing it?

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They make a big difference in my experience. The pads move more in sync, they make for a much neater hose line and you don't need a crossover, so they're harder to kick the lines off. Especially if you have them going into an M8 nut and shroud either side like I've done with mine. I've kicked it loads and it's been fine!

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They make a big difference in my experience. The pads move more in sync, they make for a much neater hose line and you don't need a crossover, so they're harder to kick the lines off. Especially if you have them going into an M8 nut and shroud either side like I've done with mine. I've kicked it loads and it's been fine!

Okay maybe just personal preference then. Braided hoses are a lot harder to break too. I think Magura should start making splitters for plastci hosing and braided hosing.

Would sell pretty well imo.

Ginger Allen

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What condition is the thread in? If the thread's had it, then it wont seal up and will just leak. Happened to me before when the thread stripped slightly in the lever.

You could run an M8 (?) tap through it to clean the thread up, then what I'd do is Loctite the bolt in to seal it off better.

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Hello, I thought I split my cross over a couple of days ago but it appered to be the piston leaking where the barb goes in. Now it just won't stop leaking. I've used Ptf tape and that doesn't seem to help. I've now gone to a monty splitter and it leaks everywhere from each end of the spliter and still the pistons.

Would I be best just getting new pistons and a crossover? Or is they a way of fixing it?

You should replace the cross over hose with a new one and fit new barbs. Throughly clean the piston housings and threads with some brake cleaner. As mentioned before, use some brass washers and fit with some BLUE Loctitie. Dont use red as it will strip the threads if you want to take them off again. Make sure though everything is clean.

See how that goes!!

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