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I am really struggling... i have quite good balance and have master hopping on back wheel but i always end up hopping backwards and if i just lean forward i jsu tdrop my front wheel again.

How can i control my direction??



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to control direction you need to learn to pedal kick as its difficult just hoping on back wheel ill send a link


hopefully this will help...get on your back wheel , let go of brake,kickand hop pull brake and repeat :)

Hey liam,

thats really helpful can do it now but on like 3hops and move bout half a metre forward. LOL With practice should get there though.

That was a lot of help cheers.

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It's all about working your body out. Leaning your front wheel forward will let you make the gap distance longer.

Been trying that but i seem to just dip my front and hit floor again, do i just need to get my balance sorted better to solve this??

Do you mean dip front wheel closer to floor before you pedal kick??

Really helpful btw pal. Cheers but i cant personal convo yet lol :(

Cheers wb

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hi welcome to the forum :D

sounds like you haven't completly mastered balancing on the back wheel yet. if you cannot hop on the spot with out going back ward or dropping the front wheel.

i would have to say you haven't quite got the balance point yet.

this may help possibly if you try pausing inbetween hops to figure your balance point. this will be the point where to feel you are not having to lean back and pull on the bars to lift the front and you are also not pivoting backward over the back wheel.

once you have this dialled. you could experiment with lowering your centre of gravity. by lowering your hips( or bum) at the same time as the front wheel. do this by sticking your bum back and at the same time extending your arms forward.

once you can lower your centre of gravity. then try lifting it back up from where you started.

so thats in order: bring your bike to the back wheel (however you like). hop, then pause, then lower your self to the ground front wheel and your hips, then lift back up and hop.( it should be very similar to a slow hop.

what your trying to do is lower your centre of gravity then lift it really quickly. thats what will give you your upward motion.

once you dial this then with the pedal kick and a little extra leaning forward you will find lurching forward much more fun :D

sorry for drowning you with an essay :D have fun riding and remember to ride for your self not to impress others and you should really have fun

Edited by dezmtber
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hi welcome to the forum :D

sounds like you haven't completly mastered balancing on the back wheel yet. if you cannot hop on the spot with out going back ward or dropping the front wheel.

i would have to say you haven't quite got the balance point yet.

this may help possibly if you try pausing inbetween hops to figure your balance point. this will be the point where to feel you are not having to lean back and pull on the bars to lift the front and you are also not pivoting backward over the back wheel.

once you have this dialled. you could experiment with lowering your centre of gravity. by lowering your hips( or bum) at the same time as the front wheel. do this by sticking your bum back and at the same time extending your arms forward.

once you can lower your centre of gravity. then try lifting it back up from where you started.

so thats in order: bring your bike to the back wheel (however you like). hop, then pause, then lower your self to the ground front wheel and your hips, then lift back up and hop.( it should be very similar to a slow hop.

what your trying to do is lower your centre of gravity then lift it really quickly. thats what will give you your upward motion.

once you dial this then with the pedal kick and a little extra leaning forward you will find lurching forward much more fun :D

sorry for drowning you with an essay :D have fun riding and remember to ride for your self not to impress others and you should really have fun

Ahha. Don't worry about the essay, as long as it helps i dont mind. Which it does, i am getting the hang of pedal kicks but haven't got the distance yet. I watch alot of trials video's and when setting up for gap or just to manouver round (particularly Danny Macaskill) just hops on back wheel and rotates just to strighten up, or to turn and drop off say a wall...

This is what i am having trouble with, just hopping on the spot.

This advise did help but i am still unsure i still seem to move although not as much and then i have just tried moving my centre of gravity like you said and then i just dropped the front or flipped the back. I then went back to the previous balance and the same happened.

Is this just practice to get it right or is there anythin g else which can help me find the centre of gravity??

Also i was wondering i am 15, and about 5ft 6"... I have an Onza Pro 20" and its my first trials bike and was wondering if this is about right for my size (i have been told its quite important getting the right size bike)



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Those videos are kind of old; the frame geometry differs a lot these days. I'm currently riding an Onza blade mod and I could have take a video of me pedal kicking on my cell phone this evening, if I'm going out. I will send you a PM as soon as it's done. Maybe it's gonna help.

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Those videos are kind of old; the frame geometry differs a lot these days. I'm currently riding an Onza blade mod and I could have take a video of me pedal kicking on my cell phone this evening, if I'm going out. I will send you a PM as soon as it's done. Maybe it's gonna help.

cheers pal that would be great :D

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practice makes perfect :) just be sure you know what you are practicing and you will get it :)

make sure you get it in your head 1st and understand the mechanics of what you need to do to achive the goal

Edited by dezmtber
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