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Clause Newrims... Coincidence?


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So, I'm yet another newbie and I've read the announcement, and the new member suggestion thread.. and I realise that it is ESSENTIAL to make a good first impression here, especially without making any spelling misstakes ;)

Seeing as I've just signed up, at 2.15am, I thought I'd put in a quick hello before I head off for the night.. and share with you something that just happened which I thought was pretty cool! You know the "verify you are in fact a human and not a computer" thingy you have to do when you're making your account? Well, my phrase was 'Clause Newrims'... Newrims!? As a total trial bike novice SURELY thats a good sign! I thought it was pretty damn cool! B)

Anyway, looking forward to becoming a trial biker, acquiring/building a bike to learn on and meeting lots of cool new people. London based, studying in Nottingham, Polish by blood, semi-prof photographer, absolute petrolhead.

Goodnight, good morning!

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Welcome (Y)

Sounds like you're in good company, pretty much everyone on the forum is into their cars and alot are into photography stuff too. Take a look in the chit chat section.

Thanks! Look forward to exploring the rest of the forum and also finding myself a bike!

PS. I like your profile pic! B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks! Look forward to exploring the rest of the forum and also finding myself a bike!

PS. I like your profile pic! B)

So, it only took a week or two and I have found, bought and collected my first trial bike! :)

I've been out about 3 times now, and slowly slowly getting to grips with the basics. I'm sure most people starting out have the same feeling though as I do right now.. knowing that your hands are holding something much much more capable than you! Ahh, I hope to slowly tame it though!

As for the bike, I don't really know what it is.. it's definitely a Zoo! Could be a 04 Pitbull, but could also be an old Piranha.. within a few days I'll post up lots of detailed photos so all you pro's can show your knowledge to tell me exactly what I have bought, what kit it has on it, and what you advise I change! :)

Oh, and I bought some fingerless gloves.. what a good move that was!

Update soon.

Over and out


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