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the way a m8 of mine explained it to me years ago if i can remember is:

when a company wants to protect its new game it makes a formula, like


this forula is then written onto every game/program that is produced

when you give a cd key like DC56-454BFG-45453D-3242M each one of the letters and numbers has a specific meaning, and when substituted into the forumla will give the correct answer thus, allow you to run the game/use the program.

the forumla has millions of ways to be solved, so differet CD keys can give the same answer.

when trying to create a keygen, a programer will decode the program and find the hidden formula inside it, and what each of the letters and numbers stand for so giving them the easy way to make new cd keys.

dunno if u understand that cos im shit at writing things down but at least i tried.

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