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Oh my f*cking god....

Our school, Fitzharrys, in Abingdon, has recently got a new headteacher (she's a complete witch with a mop for hair and I hate her personally) but anyway, our school was pretty great compared to the other shiteholes in our area, but noooooooo, she couldnt just leave it that way....

She had to bring in BLAZERS!!! (Y) :blink:

So, I went and got mine today....they are f**king awful. Horrible tweed like material. They're so heavy, its unbelievable. And they've got these BLOODY GREAT SHOULDER PADS!!!!

While I was trying mine on, I reached up for something on a shelf...can't remember what....

But anyway, reached up, and out of the blue.....


I got hit in the side of the face with one of these scary monster shoulder pads.

Shat meself.....

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haha! Liss, my mum hasn;t bought mine yet, and is thinking of transferring me to a different school as ours has gotten so shit lately! Our school recently is complete shite! They can't get any english speaking teachers, Maths teachers have been limited,you get slated for asking a question, the chavs who chuck water bombs, can beat people up and not get in shit, people can disrupt to there hearts content, and not get in shit, and they bring in blazers and dont even let the parents/children vote!?! And THEN when i put across my point say im being ignorant and they will answer my questions next week! pathetic, they just have no answers! before anyone says yes i was completly polite and valid points!

Meh, Only another year and a half left, thank f**k!!! Meh fitzharrys----> shitzharrys, we suck. Rant over.


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Seriously, just get over it. Our uniform has changed, we have to wear bright yellow Polo Shirts and Black jumbers, we all look like fecking bees!

Meh, we all just get on with it, so should you. :blink: (Y)

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We have to wear blazers, always have, sort of get use to them though (Y)


Thats what we have been trying to put across to teachers though. Some people have to wear them from the time they choose a secondary school, but we chose this school, and they are changing it halfway through our school lifes, without telling us untill all is decided and about to change... Harsh on us, No? But Life is life, we shall get on with it, if the teachers wanna be one sided and have the students pissed off then fine lol.

Kerrie xxx

Edit: Sidders did your parents get told about it a long time before it was about to change and did anyone get a vote? Im not saying we won't get on with it, Its just the way we chose a school, and they change it halfway through, without even answering questions as why? or how will it help? or why weren't our parents given a choice? But like i said, We shall get on with it, its just wrong how we have to fork out Again after only just forking out for new Jumpers when they bought them in last year, Now making us pay another £40 for new blazers, £20 for shirts and £30 fro trousers......:blink: Meh, Lifes Life lol.

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We are having a few changes to our uniform aswell soon, each parts of the school are going to be split up in to mini schools, and we are going to get given really dodgey ties, i mean really dodgey, i think the idea is a complete waste of time, but i suppose you just have to get over it really :blink:


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OMGZ!!!111 You have to wear some fabric!

Are you ok? Maybe you could organise some psychiatric help to deal with the mental scarring?

It's a school, not a damn fashion show, you all wear the same thing? Who cares what it looks like?

LMFAO! That's classic! :blink: (Y)

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Well To be completly honest, I care what it looks like!!!! and Like i said, im not really that bothered about the blazers, its the parents who don't want them and they cost alot and they look shit! But i can live with it! Its just they are giving it a 'trial' on certain years, Meaning if it doesn't come in you've wasted another £90 on school uniform to be worn only a term, Your treating me like im dumb or Ignorant, and im neither, We are putting our point across.... :blink: Anyway, like i have said, We can get on with it, we just making a point.

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I totally agree with Kerrie. I've got nothing in particular against the blazers....but they are fecking awful. Our school is just going from poo to complete cow shit. As Kerrie said, we have hardly any English speaking teachers, no Maths teachers, our school is overriden with chavs, I could go on and on like this for ages....

Instead of focusing on our education and violent pupils....I mean, a kid was stabbed on a bus over here.... they are now starting a crackdown on the fact that we arent allowed to wear jumpers around our waists, and thats just complete bullshit.

They haven't even given us any notice on this, they have just sprung a whole new uniform on us. They even let us order new uniform, of the old uniform, if you get it.... so my mum has just spend £85 on new polo shirts for me and my sister for the next three years, and then she's gotta fork out another £70 for new blazers, on top of ties, trousers and all the other shite they are bringing in.

I mean, we chose this school, cos we liked it how it was, and now they are changing the whole perspective of the place all at once, and the students and parents haven't even got a say in what happens.

So sorry, but I don't think we are being picky or pathetic.

Rant over.

Liss xxxx

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Exactly. The school are focusing on crap. Rather than education and technology to improve the standard of education, they are employing teachers who can barely speak a word of English, are giving out after school detentions for having a jumper round your waist, and if you have an opinion, or break any of their shitty new rules, you will be send packing. It's a load of bullshit.

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So let me get this straight. You will be expelled from school for not wearing a pissing blazer?!?! I would just leave now, the school sounds REALLY retarded anyway.  :blink:

5 points to sidehop for understanding (Y) Lol, The school has really gone downhill in pathetic pernickety little rules, As After schools for not bringing a jumper into school, BUT you also get one for tying it around your waist or draping it over your shoulders! and your not aloud to wear a certain amount of make-up and i hear something about having to do your hair in a certain way! Instead of running a school, they are running a pathetic rule centre! and not dealing with the bigger issue. Shit school, Total Shit


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So true.

Pernickety!! Ha!!

And yeah, eleventy-billion points for sidehop!! ;)

School's a bitch, but at the end of the day, I couldnt bring myself to leave. Just so many memories and friends :blink:

Kerrie, take a picture of my blazer, and its SCARY MONSTER SHOULDER PADS!! Muahahahaaa!! (Y)

Post it on here, and all our trials friends can see how shitty everything at our school is :sick:

And sidehop, yeah, we've gotta wear them all year round. (Y)

Liss xxx

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Yep! I suffer from Extreme temprature sensitivity! In winter i can wear 10 layers and still shiver and in summer i can wear nothing and still overheat and pass out. Yet With these new blazers they have to be worn all the time whilst in school, with no jumpers in winter, and sweating buckets in summer! You can't win!

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