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Going Up To Front


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OK Im chuffed that Ive learnt how to gap up to front wheel, but im having trouble getting the wheel swap in. Im sorry if Im not clear but heres some examples of the videos it is in

zoo video 29 - 37 seconds

zoo video 28 - 54 seconds

The way im learning it (and the bit which I can do) is at the start of video 28, a rolling gap on the flat and then a sudden gap upwards onto the front wheel, then twist and bring the back wheel onto the ledge. But instead of twisting the backwheel on, I want to do a full wheel swap

So im asking for tips and ways I can practice. At the moment I can't even seem to do a wheelswap from an endo on flat ground, somehow I thought it would be easier whilst doing the up? Ive looked in the search but I can only find a guide on stoppie-ing onto a ledge

Anyway any help would be appreciated


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just practise practise practise practise practise and some more.

seriously, it's all about giving it proper pasty, letting the back wheel roll a little on the object when swapping, makes it loads easier.

watch some of felix mücke's videos, he has the technique pretty dialled with letting the front brake go and rolling on the back wheel...

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Im in the same boat chap.

Can get the front up and an roll the back on but wheel swapping is doing my nut!

Ive laid off practising for a while as im swapping the front maggie for a hope disk. I think my issue is the comittment i need to go into the endo from a forward lunge. Im not kicking the rear wheel up enough to swap.

Hopefully a disk will have the extra power to give me that confidence as i dont trust the maggie at the front

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get onto the front wheel by backwheeling up the wall (now it all changes) and throwing the front wheel down, getting your shoulders over the bars will help it to just sit at the right height.

then for the swap, just do a front hop off the wall, throw your hands in the air and bring your legs forwards to touchdown the back wheel.

from there i find it easier to keep my balance low and just kick the pedals to roll onto the top of the wall (rather than hopping up)

practice does obviously help, and a wide wall aswell.

speed helps, because the momentum throws you the right way, just you can land too far on the front wheel untill youve learnt the technique.

go out and try it, this is what works for me, youve got to go and work out your own way, but i hope these tips will help.

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I would practise the swap on flat ground. You're never going to be able to do it on a wall/rail if you can't do it on the ground. Just keep practising, and make sure you're not using too much back brake. I had a bit of trouble when I learnt these because I held the back brake on all the time. As Janson said, you need to let the front brake off and roll through the move, and when your back wheel hits the ground, if your brake is on it won't work. I think of it like it's a rocking horse :)

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