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Sorry mate, wasnt keen.

Dont get me wrong the riding was good, especially for the bike you were riding on, but the song was god-damn awful and it didnt fit your riding style at all. The only people I feel that type of music works for is Neil Tunnicliffe and Craig Lee Scott as their riding is big and fast.

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Try kind of calmer rock influenced stuff (The Postal Service etc). Even a bit of slowish hip hop type stuff can work well if you don't mind editing to that.

Have a search for the lecture AndyT wrote on video editing and capturing, it's a good read and has a bit about what music to use and stuff. I know it's on OTN somewhere but there servers down at the minute.

Just watched the video though and as said before good riding. You do have reason to be proud but take what has been said into account and make the next one even better.


Edited by rad2themax
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Hiya :)

I thought your vid was pretty good, and the music went okay in my opinion, but I do like Killswitch Engage. My first video had Children of Bodom music which is pretty much as heavy and I had only been riding 6 days and was much much worse than you (still am!) Pitty about the quality but good effort (Y)


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