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Mod Cranks


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Right, im fed up of shitty mod cranks (and the crap selection of parts available but dont get me started on that).

The Monty cranks I used to run were poor, the Echo's I have replaced them with are poor aswell (IMO).

I would love to go back to Middleburns like I used to run in the old days on my 26" :)

Currently I am running 160mm Echo cranks, Echo bash guard and 18:13 gearing with a Profile hub.

It isnt possible to run an 18t cog on middleburns as MTB cogs dont go below 20t so I have a few ideas right now:

  1. Get Clive Leeson to machine me a 20t bash.

    What do people recon the gearing, clearance etc... would be like running a 20t cog on the front?

  2. Run the middleburn 16t Ti-Bash and guard.

    I would prefer not to go with this option due to the small cog wreckin chains quicker, I also dont like the idea of having such a pathetic little bash guard.

  3. Just get another set of Echo Cranks with an 18t cog.

    Just buy a new set of cranks and hope I have better luck with them this time?

What do people recon? Can anyone think of any other options I have?
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To be honest,

I wouldn't go with any of those options, I would go with tensiles.

Strong, Light, And feel really stiff, Especially on drops and technical moves.

Just my opinion though. ^_^

Go Tensile (Y)

How can cranks not feel "stiff" i´ve never had flexy cranks i run the t-bird one and i´m a heavy b*****d (14stone?) and they feel fine, i just don´t like having then that thin (old echos on the way soon)

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How can cranks not feel "stiff" i´ve never had flexy cranks i run the t-bird one and i´m a heavy b*****d (14stone?) and they feel fine, i just don´t like having then that thin (old echos on the way soon)

Agreed, the only thing that ever feels flexy to me is the BB if its square tapered... I've got the Zoo!s and they have been fantastic, no problems whatsoever....

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tensiles are gash dont go there. middleburns with the ti bash is what id do, the ti bash really is f**king awsome i cant sing its praises enough im totaly in love with mine and have been for the past 3 years. i think youll be fine with it your a little person like me so itll be fine.

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