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**all Common Topics Here! New Members Please Read!**


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Ok soo many people have made topics asking these sort of things so i thought 'hey ill make a topic to put them all together!'

Here are some basic things people ask:

Whats a mod or stock?

A mod is a trials bike with the smaller wheels (20" on front and 19" on back)

A stock is the original design of the trials bike, the bigger one with 26" wheels.

What is Bump?

Bump is when someone posts a new reply in their topic so that their topic is active again, and it will be moved to the top of the forums, so more people see and it gets more interest (used commonly for selling things)... It basically reminds people the topic is still there :)

What does 'lol', 'lmao' and 'imo' mean?












These are the only things i can think of that need to be stated at present, but if there is anything else i should add, please say and i will add it in :)

Edited by Willsey
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Good idea Willsey.

Theres far to many posts on here about the same stuff day in day out.

Stuff like bleeding magura, what pads should i get, ginding my rims, what frame should i get.

Just random stuff like that, which there seems to be a post about every other day.

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Thanks, and yes i will find that topic quickly and put a link in, as it is commonly asked.

*also added IMO*

Ok i cant edit my first topic now... whats up with that? is it because im a pre-member i can only edit it a few times or something?

I was going to add this, so could a mod or admin please add this:

If there is still things you are uncertain about, please read in the FAQ section HERE, for things like bleeding maguras, or building a wheel. If you cannot find what you need there, then is the time to ask us, by posting a new thread or maybe replying to this topic.

^ i was going to add this just above the last line i put in.. thanks

Edited by Willsey
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That topic is filled with normal questions, but its 68 pages long, so i think if all the main questions are put into the first post of one topic, it makes it alot easier..

Yeah by doing this you can put in links to what other people have posted up before and save the hastle of having 300 posts about the same things, agreed the random small questions is good but new members would rather put up a new topic rather than search the whole forum.

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yes you not supposted to talk like:

ye wnt dwn sainsburyz n did sm big ass drpoff..

but im sure some abreviastion is allowed..

Yeah that sounds alright to me.

Willsey's just trying to create a thread that helps all the newer members out so that nobody gives them a hard time (which seems to happen quite a lot).

Just help him out by posting stuff that you think shouldn't have it's own thread, stuff that you thought might have helped you when you joined.

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I think they should sort the 'Random small questions' section into categorized parts, one for general small questions, one for small questions about riding, one for small questions about bikes and so on, there doesn't have to be millions of 'parts' but at least some to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for. This topic could end up just being another random small questions thread, if it is here for a long time it will eventually get grow and become more of a problem like the random small questions thread.


Edited by stiffnips
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Just to add bump should only really be used on for sale threads or threads with questions that have not been answered satisfactorily, not just so you can get more people to see your video/ guide/ idea or whatever.

Oh, and mods actually came before stocks with trials bikes.

Edited by adamtrials
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Just to add bump should only really be used on for sale threads or threads with questions that have not been answered satisfactorily, not just so you can get more people to see your video/ guide/ idea or whatever.

Oh, and mods actually came before stocks with trials bikes.

ok that sounds resonable and i really did not no mods came first! :o

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